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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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The functions listed in this section do not restrict their argument and accept a geometry value of any type. Unless otherwise specified, functions in this section handle their arguments as follows: If any argument is NULL, the return value is NULL.
The geometry classes define a hierarchy as follows: Geometry (noninstantiable) Point (instantiable) Curve (noninstantiable) LineString (instantiable) Line LinearRing Surface (noninstantiable) Polygon (instantiable) GeometryCollection (instantiable) ...All classes have properties, and instantiable classes may also have assertions (rules that define valid class ...
MultiPolygon(poly [, poly] ...) Constructs a MultiPolygon value from a set of Polygon or WKB Polygon arguments. Polygon(ls [, ls] ...) Constructs a Polygon value from a number of LineString or WKB LineString arguments. MySQL provides a set of ...
The following query finds all objects that are in the given rectangle: mysql> SET @poly = -> 'Polygon((30000 15000, 31000 15000, 31000 16000, 30000 16000, 30000 15000))'; mysql> SELECT fid,ST_AsText(g) FROM geom WHERE -> ... The optimizer ...
Error number: 3727; Symbol: ER_POLYGON_TOO_LARGE; SQLSTATE: 22023 Message: Function %s encountered a polygon that was too large. The MySQL server writes some error messages to its error log, and sends others to client programs. Example server-side ...
For example, the ST_Area() polygon function returns NULL if the object type is neither Polygon nor MultiPolygon. Each function that belongs to this group takes a geometry value as its argument and returns some quantitative or qualitative property ...
Some spatial data types hold single geometry values: GEOMETRY POINT LINESTRING POLYGON GEOMETRY can store geometry values of any type. The other single-value types (POINT, LINESTRING, and POLYGON) restrict their values to a particular geometry type.
After you have created spatial columns, you can populate them with spatial data. Values should be stored in internal geometry format, but you can convert them to that format from either Well-Known Text (WKT) or Well-Known Binary (WKB) format. For ...
The Open Geospatial Consortium guidelines require that input polygons already be closed, so unclosed polygons are rejected as invalid rather than being closed. Spatial values, or geometries, have the properties described at Section, ...
The dimensions of MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon objects are the same as the dimensions of the elements they consist of. It is a noninstantiable class but has a number of properties, described in the following list, that are common to ...
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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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