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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 301 to 310 of 339 total results
slave_checkpoint_group: Maximum number of transactions processed by a multithreaded slave before a checkpoint operation is called to update progress status. slave_checkpoint_period: Update progress status of multithreaded slave and flush relay log ... The following two sections provide basic information about the MySQL command-line options and system variables applicable to replication and the binary ...
For instructions to do this, see Section 7.5, “Point-in-Time (Incremental) Recovery Using the Binary Log”. If a privilege check against the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account fails, the transaction is not executed and replication stops for the ...
By default, MySQL replication (including Group Replication) does not carry out privilege checks when transactions that were already accepted by another server are applied on a replication slave or group member. From MySQL 8.0.18, you can create a ...
Employing this method with a table using a storage engine that has complex caching or logging algorithms requires extra steps to produce a perfect “point in time” snapshot: the initial copy command could leave out cache information and logging ... If the master database contains existing data it is necessary to copy this data to each ...
Then you can use CHANGE MASTER TO with the MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options to tell the slave to re-read the binary logs from that point. To guarantee the integrity of the files that are copied, backing up the raw data files on your MySQL ...
Alternatively, if you cannot stop new statements, temporarily change to row-based logging on the master (binlog_format=ROW) and wait until all slaves have processed all binary logs produced up to the point of this change. When you upgrade servers ...
There may be more than one if the function has multiple exit points. RETURN expr The RETURN statement terminates execution of a stored function and returns the value expr to the function caller. There must be at least one RETURN statement in a ...
If the SQL thread is in the middle of a transaction at this point, the server waits until the current replication event group (if any) has finished executing, or until the user issues a KILL QUERY or KILL CONNECTION statement. The server shutdown ...
Handler_savepoint The number of requests for a storage engine to place a savepoint. Handler_savepoint_rollback The number of requests for a storage engine to roll back to a savepoint. Innodb_buffer_pool_load_status The progress of an operation to ...
If you are using GTIDs for replication, this means that even when binary logging is later enabled again, the GTIDs written into the log from this point do not account for any transactions that occurred in the meantime, so in effect those ... SET ...
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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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