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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Rebuilding of unique indexes uses disk write bandwidth for redo logging and local checkpointing. In such cases you can run ndb_restore --rebuild-indexes again; the process resumes at the point where the error occurred. The NDB Cluster restoration ...
To familiarize you with the basics, we will describe the simplest possible configuration for a functional NDB Cluster. After this, you should be able to design your desired setup from the information provided in the other relevant sections of this ...
This section discusses making backups and restoring from them using NDB Cluster replication. We assume that the replication servers have already been configured as covered previously (see Section 22.6.5, “Preparing the NDB Cluster for ...
Sets of rows read on the secondary may not necessarily be consistent at a given single point in time. When using a replication setup involving multiple masters (including circular replication), it is possible that different masters may try to ...
If binary logging has not previously been running on the master, run the following statement on the slave: mysqlS> CHANGE MASTER TO -> MASTER_LOG_FILE='', -> MASTER_LOG_POS=4; This instructs the slave to begin reading the master's binary log from ...
In a more complete example scenario, we envision two replication channels to provide redundancy and thereby guard against possible failure of a single replication channel. This requires a total of four replication servers, two masters for the ...
The most important points to remember regarding the MySQL privilege system with regard to NDB Cluster are listed here: Users and privileges established on one SQL node do not automatically exist or take effect on other SQL nodes in the cluster. In ...
The transformed string could become quite large, even without space padding; some Unicode 9.0 collations can transform a single code point into 100 bytes or more of character data. NDB Cluster 8.0.19 provides a number of new enhancements which help ... The following sections describe changes in the implementation of NDB Cluster in MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0 through 8.0.20, as compared to earlier release ...
The string pointed to by from must be length bytes long. unsigned long mysql_hex_string(char *to, const char *from, unsigned long length) This function creates a legal SQL string for use in an SQL statement. The string in the from argument is ...
At this point you have created a cluster with three instances: a primary, and two secondaries. This section explains how to set up a sandbox InnoDB cluster deployment. You create and administer your InnoDB clusters using MySQL Shell with the ...
Displaying 251 to 260 of 336 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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