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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 121 to 130 of 335 total results
There are two key points to keep in mind: For a table to be replicated in the cluster, it must use the NDBCLUSTER storage engine. Note The information in this section applies to NDB Cluster running on both Unix and Windows platforms. Working with ...
For information about performing point-in-time recovery with NDB Cluster and NDB Cluster Replication, see Section, “Point-In-Time Recovery Using NDB Cluster Replication”. NDB Cluster supports asynchronous replication, more usually ...
If you cancel the installation at this point, the products are installed, but the server (if installed) is not yet configured. For descriptive information regarding password requirements or status, move your mouse pointer over the information icon ... MySQL Installer provides a wizard-like tool to install and configure new MySQL products for ...
If the option is an integer, specify a pointer to the value of the integer as the arg argument. The argument is a pointer to a null-terminated string naming the key. MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE (argument type: optional pointer to unsigned int) This ...
The option argument is the option that you want to get; the arg should point to a variable that should contain the option value. If the option is an integer, arg should point to the value of the integer. bool mysql_stmt_attr_get(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, ...
mysql_stmt_close() also deallocates the statement handler pointed to by stmt, which at that point becomes invalid and should no longer be used. For a failed mysql_stmt_close() call, do not call mysql_stmt_error(), or mysql_stmt_errno(), or ...
The mysqldump client utility performs logical backups, producing a set of SQL statements that can be executed to reproduce the original database object definitions and table data. It dumps one or more MySQL databases for backup or transfer to ...
At that point, no speed is gained by making it larger. MySQL executes joins between tables using a nested-loop algorithm or variations on it. Nested-Loop Join Algorithm Block Nested-Loop Join Algorithm A simple nested-loop join (NLJ) algorithm ...
This problem is common in most computer languages because not all floating-point values can be stored with exact precision. If you have a complicated query that uses many tables but that returns no rows, you should use the following procedure to ...
If no restrictive modes are enabled, MySQL clips the value to the appropriate endpoint of the column data type range and stores the resulting value instead. When an out-of-range value is assigned to an integer column, MySQL stores the value ...In ...
Displaying 121 to 130 of 335 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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The author This site is solely responsible for the way in which the various concepts, and the freedoms that are taken with the reference works, are presented here. Remember that you must cross multiple source information to reduce the risk of errors.

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