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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 61 to 70 of 180 total results
It is also used for string and other nonnumber arguments that might be converted within the function to numeric form. (For numeric functions, the length includes any sign or decimal point characters.) If you want to return a blob value, you can set ... For the UDF mechanism to work, functions must be written in C++ and your operating system must support dynamic ...
For information about handling of overflow in numeric expression evaluation, see Section 11.2.6, “Out-of-Range and Overflow Handling”. (See Section 11.2, “Numeric Types”.) / Division: mysql> SELECT 3/5; -> 0.60 Division by zero produces a ...
Characters not valid as XML characters are encoded using numeric character references. Characters not valid as XML characters are encoded using numeric character references. The MySQL server calls the audit log plugin to write an audit record to ...
The string and numeric forms of the MySQL server version are available at compile time as the values of the MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION and MYSQL_VERSION_ID macros, and at runtime as the values of the mysql_get_server_info() and mysql_get_server_version() ...
The collation of a numeric or temporal value has a coercibility of 5. In the great majority of statements, it is obvious what collation MySQL uses to resolve a comparison operation. For example, in the following cases, it should be clear that the ...
For the binary collation of the binary character set, comparisons are based on numeric byte values. For the _bin collation of a nonbinary character set, comparisons are based on numeric character code values, which differ from byte values for ...
For example, bit operations permit numeric or binary string arguments in MySQL 8.0 and higher, but treat hexadecimal and bit literals as numbers by default. Due to the difference in result types, the displayed values differ: High-order 0 digits are ... A character string literal, hexadecimal literal, or bit-value literal may have an optional character set introducer and COLLATE clause, to designate it as a string that uses a particular character set and collation: [_charset_name] literal [COLLATE collation_name] The _charset_name expression is formally called an ...
The return type of a CASE expression result is the aggregated type of all result values: If all types are numeric, the aggregated type is also numeric: If at least one argument is double precision, the result is double precision. The second syntax ...
CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name (create_definition,...) [table_options] [partition_options] CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name [(create_definition,...)] [table_options] [partition_options] [IGNORE | REPLACE] [AS] ...
These components have the following characteristics: Error code: This value is numeric. SQLSTATE values are taken from ANSI SQL and ODBC and are more standardized than the numeric error codes. This section discusses how error messages originate ...
Displaying 61 to 70 of 180 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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