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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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For additional information about properties and storage requirements of the numeric types, see Section 11.2, “Numeric Types”, and Section 11.8, “Data Type Storage Requirements”. Display width is unrelated to the range of values a type can ...
These types include the exact numeric data types (INTEGER, SMALLINT, DECIMAL, and NUMERIC), as well as the approximate numeric data types (FLOAT, REAL, and DOUBLE PRECISION). For information about numeric type storage requirements, see Section 11.8, ...The keyword INT is a synonym for INTEGER, and the keywords DEC and FIXED are synonyms for ...
As of MySQL 8.0.17, the ZEROFILL attribute is deprecated for numeric data types, as is the display width attribute for integer data types. An unsigned type can be used to permit only nonnegative numbers in a column or when you need a larger upper ...
For unique IDs or other values that can be represented as either strings or numbers, prefer numeric columns to string columns. Since large numeric values can be stored in fewer bytes than the corresponding strings, it is faster and takes less ...
Table 12.10 Numeric Functions and Operators Name Description ABS() Return the absolute value ACOS() Return the arc cosine ASIN() Return the arc sine ATAN() Return the arc tangent ATAN2(), ATAN() Return the arc tangent of the two arguments CEIL() ...
MySQL by default treats hexadecimal literals as binary strings, but in numeric context evaluates them as numbers (see Section 9.1.4, “Hexadecimal Literals”). What about hexadecimal literals and bit literals? Recall that those are binary strings ...(The BIT_AND(), BIT_OR(), and BIT_XOR() aggregate functions are described in Section 12.20.1, “Aggregate (GROUP BY) Function Descriptions”.) Prior to MySQL 8.0, bit functions and operators required BIGINT (64-bit integer) arguments and returned BIGINT values, so they had a maximum range of 64 ...
The scope of precision math for exact-value operations includes the exact-value data types (integer and DECIMAL types) and exact-value numeric literals. Approximate-value data types and numeric literals are handled as floating-point numbers. For ...
The DECIMAL and NUMERIC types store exact numeric data values. In MySQL, NUMERIC is implemented as DECIMAL, so the following remarks about DECIMAL apply equally to NUMERIC. These types are used when it is important to preserve exact precision, for ...
ReservedConcurrentIndexOperations Table 22.45 This table provides type and value information for the ReservedConcurrentIndexOperations data node configuration parameter Property Value Version (or later) NDB 8.0.16 Type or units numeric Default 0 ...
Exact-value numeric literals have an integer part or fractional part, or both. Approximate-value numeric literals are represented in scientific notation with a mantissa and exponent. In MySQL, the DECIMAL type has several synonyms: NUMERIC, DEC, ...
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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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