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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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The operations_per_fragment table provides information about the operations performed on individual fragments and fragment replicas, as well as about some of the results from these operations. The following table provides information about the ...
group_replication_auto_increment_increment Property Value Command-Line Format --group-replication-auto-increment-increment=# System Variable group_replication_auto_increment_increment Scope Global Dynamic Yes SET_VAR Hint Applies No Type Integer ...
--ai-increment=# Property Value Command-Line Format --ai-increment=# Type Integer Default Value 1 Minimum Value 1 Maximum Value 4294967295 For a table with a hidden primary key, specify the autoincrement increment, like the auto_increment_increment ... ndb_import imports CSV-formatted data, such as that produced by mysqldump --tab, directly into NDB using the NDB ...
Table 22.407 Columns of the restart_info table Column Name Type Description node_id integer Node ID in the cluster node_restart_status VARCHAR(256) Node status; see text for values. Each entry in the table corresponds to a node restart status report ...
The argument N is interpreted as an integer, but may be specified as an integer or a string. mysql> SELECT EXP(2); -> 7.3890560989307 mysql> SELECT EXP(-2); -> 0.13533528323661 mysql> SELECT EXP(0); -> 1 FLOOR(X) Returns the largest integer value ...
As of MySQL 8.0.17, the display width attribute is deprecated for integer data types and will be removed in a future MySQL version. SERIAL DEFAULT VALUE in the definition of an integer column is an alias for NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE. Warning ...For additional information about properties and storage requirements of the numeric types, see Section 11.2, “Numeric Types”, and Section 11.8, “Data Type Storage ...
The disk_write_speed_aggregate table provides aggregated information about the speed of disk writes during LCP, backup, and restore operations. The following table provides information about the columns in the disk_write_speed_aggregate table. For ...
The table_replicas table provides information about the copying, distribution, and checkpointing of NDB table fragments and fragment replicas. For each column, the table shows the name, data type, and a brief description.
AUTO_INCREMENT An integer or floating-point column can have the additional attribute AUTO_INCREMENT. If a table has a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE NOT NULL index that consists of a single column that has an integer type, you can use _rowid to refer to the ... CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name (create_definition,...) [table_options] [partition_options] CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name [(create_definition,...)] [table_options] [partition_options] [IGNORE | REPLACE] [AS] query_expression CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name { LIKE old_tbl_name | (LIKE old_tbl_name) } create_definition: col_name column_definition | {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] [index_type] (key_part,...) [index_option] ...
The table_fragments table provides information about the fragmentation, partitioning, distribution, and (internal) replication of NDB tables. For each column, the table shows the name, data type, and a brief description.
Displaying 11 to 20 of 269 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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