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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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For functions that take length arguments, noninteger arguments are rounded to the nearest integer. [USING charset_name]) CHAR() interprets each argument N as an integer and returns a string consisting of the characters given by the code values of ...
Here are some examples: If you use MYSQL_TYPE_LONG with an int variable to pass an integer value to the server that is to be stored into a FLOAT column, MySQL converts the value to floating-point format before storing it. Prepared statements ...
The statement information part of the diagnostics area contains these items: NUMBER: An integer indicating the number of condition areas that have information. ROW_COUNT: An integer indicating the number of rows affected by the statement. SQL ...
Use the smallest integer data type for the AUTO_INCREMENT column that is large enough to hold the maximum sequence value you will need. See Section 11.2.1, “Integer Types (Exact Value) - INTEGER, INT, SMALLINT, TINYINT, MEDIUMINT, BIGINT” for ...
Because the InnoDB memcached plugin is tightly integrated with a single memcached daemon, and the in-memory caching mechanism is handled by MySQL and the InnoDB buffer pool, this column is rarely needed. Because the InnoDB memcached plugin is ...
INET_ATON(expr) Given the dotted-quad representation of an IPv4 network address as a string, returns an integer that represents the numeric value of the address in network byte order (big endian). Because numeric-format IPv6 addresses require more ...The function return value and type are the same as the return value and type of its argument, but the function result is not checked for the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL ...
Table 22.351 Columns of the nodes table Column Name Type Description node_id integer The data node's unique node ID in the cluster. uptime integer Time since the node was last started, in seconds. start_phase integer If the data node is starting, ...
Table 22.355 Columns of the resources table Column Name Type Description node_id integer The unique node ID of this data node. max integer The maximum amount of this resource used, since the node was last started. This table provides information ...
This tool extracts current configuration information for data nodes, SQL nodes, and API nodes from one of a number of sources: an NDB Cluster management node, or its config.ini or my.cnf file. By default, the management node is the source for the ...
From version 8.0.17, the extended option supports integer or Boolean values. Setting extended using Boolean values is the equivalent of setting the integer values 0 and 1. You can configure the autoRejoinTries option at either the cluster level or ... This section explains how to work with InnoDB cluster, and how to handle common administration ...
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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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