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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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JSON_TABLE() supports four types of columns, described in the following list: name FOR ORDINALITY: This type enumerates rows in the COLUMNS clause; the column named name is a counter whose type is UNSIGNED INT, and whose initial value is 1. Saving ... This section contains information about JSON functions that convert JSON data to tabular ...
To partition a table using HASH partitioning, it is necessary to append to the CREATE TABLE statement a PARTITION BY HASH (expr) clause, where expr is an expression that returns an integer. This can simply be the name of a column whose type is one ... Partitioning by HASH is used primarily to ensure an even distribution of data among a predetermined number of ...
This is done by using PARTITION BY LIST(expr) where expr is a column value or an expression based on a column value and returning an integer value, and then defining each partition by means of a VALUES IN (value_list), where value_list is a ... List ...
(See Section 13.1.37, “TRUNCATE TABLE Syntax”.) If you intend to change the partitioning of a table without losing data, use ALTER TABLE ... However, there is one important difference in the effect this has on your use of the table afterward: ...
These events bring databases up to date from the point of the backup. You need not read it unless you are interested in the background on the rationale for the current logging-related conditions on stored routine use. The binary log contains ...
CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b CHAR (20), PRIMARY KEY (a)) ENGINE=InnoDB; You do not need to specify the ENGINE=InnoDB clause if InnoDB is defined as the default storage engine, which it is by default. Internally, InnoDB adds an entry for each table to ... To create an InnoDB table, use the CREATE TABLE ...
To write data from a table to an XML file, you can invoke the mysql client with the --xml and -e options from the system shell, as shown here: shell> mysql --xml -e 'SELECT * FROM mydb.mytable' > file.xml To read the file back into a table, use LOAD ...The tagname in the optional ROWS IDENTIFIED BY clause must also be given as a literal string, and must be surrounded by angle brackets (< and ...
Because this table is populated from data originating on the master, it should be allowed to replicate; any replication filtering or binary log filtering rules that inadvertently prevent the slave from updating ndb_apply_status or the master from ...
int mysql_session_track_get_first(MYSQL *mysql, enum enum_session_state_type type, const char **data, size_t *length) MySQL implements a session tracker mechanism whereby the server returns information about session state changes to clients. To ...
The permissible values are read (scan tables), write (insert into tables), key (read primary keys), update (update primary keys), or mixed (half inserts, half scanning selects). --debug-info, -T Print debugging information and memory and CPU usage ... mysqlslap is a diagnostic program designed to emulate client load for a MySQL server and to report the timing of each ...
Displaying 31 to 40 of 304 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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