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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 291 to 300 of 308 total results
Floating-point numbers sometimes cause confusion because they are approximate and not stored as exact values. A floating-point value as written in an SQL statement may not be the same as the value represented internally. Attempts to treat ...The ...
[begin_label:] REPEAT statement_list UNTIL search_condition END REPEAT [end_label] The statement list within a REPEAT statement is repeated until the search_condition expression is true. statement_list consists of one or more statements, each ...
(Bug #45677) An INSERT into a table that has a composite primary key that includes an AUTO_INCREMENT column that is not the first column of this composite key is not safe for statement-based logging or replication. Statement-based replication of ...
Within a condition handler that catches a condition, one use for RESIGNAL alone is to perform some other actions, and then pass on without change the original condition information (the information that existed before entry into the handler). ERROR ...RESIGNAL may change some or all information before passing it ...
These components are available as described in Section B.2, “Error Information Interfaces”. If the error message refers to error 150, table creation failed because a foreign key constraint was not correctly formed. If the error message refers to ... The MySQL server writes some error messages to its error log, and sends others to client ...
row *************************** Procedure: simpleproc sql_mode: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE, ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION Create Procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE `simpleproc`(OUT param1 INT) ... SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE proc_name This statement is a MySQL ...
It displays a representation of the internal implementation of the named stored procedure. SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_name This statement is a MySQL extension that is available only for servers that have been built with debugging support. A similar ...
Prepared Statements in Application Programs You can use server-side prepared statements through client programming interfaces, including the MySQL C API client library for C programs, MySQL Connector/J for Java programs, and MySQL Connector/NET for ...Using prepared statements with placeholders for parameter values has the following benefits: Less overhead for parsing the statement each time it is ...
[begin_label:] BEGIN [statement_list] END [end_label] [begin_label:] LOOP statement_list END LOOP [end_label] [begin_label:] REPEAT statement_list UNTIL search_condition END REPEAT [end_label] [begin_label:] WHILE search_condition DO statement_list ...
It is intended you call ps_setup_reload_saved() later within the same session as ps_setup_save() because the configuration is saved in TEMPORARY tables. in_timeout INT: How many seconds to wait to obtain the sys.ps_setup_save lock. This enables you ...
Displaying 291 to 300 of 308 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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The author This site is solely responsible for the way in which the various concepts, and the freedoms that are taken with the reference works, are presented here. Remember that you must cross multiple source information to reduce the risk of errors.

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