MySQL supports foreign keys, which let you cross-reference related data across tables, and foreign key constraints, which help keep this spread-out data consistent. Otherwise, MySQL implicitly creates a foreign key index that is named according to ...The index_name value is ignored if there is already an explicitly defined index on the child table that can support the foreign ...
int mysql_options(MYSQL *mysql, enum mysql_option option, const void *arg) Can be used to set extra connect options and affect behavior for a connection. If the option is an integer, specify a pointer to the value of the integer as the arg argument. MYSQL_OPT_BIND (argument: char *) The network interface from which to connect to the ...
This section describes C API data structures other than those used for prepared statements, the asychronous interface, or the replication stream interface. For information about those, see Section 28.7.9, “C API Prepared Statement Data ...Do not ...
Explicit selection of partitions and subpartitions for rows matching a given WHERE condition is supported. Partition selection is similar to partition pruning, in that only specific partitions are checked for matches, but differs in two key ...
For output, it indicates the type of the variable into which a value received from the server should be stored. For the integer types, you should also set the is_unsigned member to indicate whether the variable is signed or unsigned. If the server ... The buffer_type member of MYSQL_BIND structures indicates the data type of the C language variable bound to a statement parameter or result set ...
void mysql_set_local_infile_handler(MYSQL *mysql, int (*local_infile_init)(void **, const char *, void *), int (*local_infile_read)(void *, char *, unsigned int), void (*local_infile_end)(void *), int (*local_infile_error)(void *, char*, unsigned ...It enables application programs to exert control over local (client-side) data file ...
Certain keywords, such as SELECT, DELETE, or BIGINT, are reserved and require special treatment for use as identifiers such as table and column names. Reserved words are permitted as identifiers if you quote them as described in Section 9.2, ...This ...
| ADD [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] UNIQUE [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] [index_type] (key_part,...) [index_option] ... To verify that the table options were changed as intended, use SHOW CREATE TABLE, or query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES table. The exception ... ALTER TABLE tbl_name [alter_specification [, alter_specification] ...] [partition_options] alter_specification: table_options | ADD [COLUMN] col_name column_definition [FIRST | AFTER col_name] | ADD [COLUMN] (col_name column_definition,...) | ADD {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] [index_type] (key_part,...) [index_option] ...
The intended use is from within the mysql client, which reports query execution times: mysql> SELECT BENCHMARK(1000000,AES_ENCRYPT('hello','goodbye')); +---------------------------------------------------+ | ...It may be used to time how quickly ...
ANALYZE TABLE complexity for InnoDB tables is dependent on: The number of pages sampled, as defined by innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages. The number of indexed columns in a table The number of partitions. If a table has no partitions, the number ...