The string pointed to by from must be length bytes long. The return value can be placed into an SQL statement using either X'value' or 0xvalue format. The length of the encoded string that is placed into to, not including the terminating null ...
int mysql_kill(MYSQL *mysql, unsigned long pid) Note mysql_kill() is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of MySQL. After the server's internal thread ID counter reaches a value larger than 32 bits, it returns an ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE ...mysql_kill() cannot handle values larger than 32 bits, but to guard against killing the wrong thread returns an error in these cases: If given an ID larger than 32 bits, mysql_kill() returns a CR_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE ...
Its asynchronous counterpart is mysql_next_result_nonblocking(), for use by applications that require asynchronous communication with the server. mysql_next_result() is used when you execute multiple statements specified as a single statement ...
int mysql_options4(MYSQL *mysql, enum mysql_option option, const void *arg1, const void *arg2) mysql_options4() is similar to mysql_options() but has an extra fourth argument so that two values can be passed for the option specified in the second ...The following list describes the permitted options, their effect, and how arg1 and arg2 are ...
int mysql_ping(MYSQL *mysql) Checks whether the connection to the server is working. If the connection has gone down and auto-reconnect is enabled an attempt to reconnect is made. If the connection is down and auto-reconnect is disabled, ...
int mysql_plugin_options(struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin, const char *option, const void *value) Passes an option type and value to a plugin. Specify the parameters as follows: plugin: A pointer to the plugin structure. This function can be ...
int mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *stmt_str) Executes the SQL statement pointed to by the null-terminated string stmt_str. (Binary data may contain the \0 character, which mysql_query() interprets as the end of the statement string.) If you ...Normally, the string must consist of a single SQL statement without a terminating semicolon (;) or ...
enum net_async_status mysql_real_connect_nonblocking(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *db, unsigned int port, const char *unix_socket, unsigned long client_flag) Note mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() ...It is the counterpart of the mysql_real_connect() synchronous function, for use by applications that require asynchronous communication with the ...
MYSQL *mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *db, unsigned int port, const char *unix_socket, unsigned long client_flag) Note mysql_real_connect() is a synchronous function. Its ...
The string in the from argument is encoded to produce an escaped SQL string, taking into account the current character set of the connection. (The function cannot tell whether the mode is enabled to determine the proper escaping character.) The ...