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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 131 to 139 of 139 total results
The fix in this case is to convert the YEAR to 4-digit year format. Date values with 2-digit years are ambiguous because the century is unknown. Such values must be interpreted into 4-digit form because MySQL stores years internally using 4 digits.
Review the Release Notes for information about fixes, changes, and new features. The backup should include the mysql system database, which contains the MySQL data dictionary tables and system tables. Important Downgrade from MySQL 8.0 to MySQL 5.7, ...
In this case, you should remove all redo log files, start your MySQL 5.7 server on the same data directory, and fix the cause of any errors. This section describes how to upgrade MySQL binary and package-based installations on Unix/Linux. In-Place ...
Before upgrading to the latest MySQL 8.0 release, ensure the upgrade readiness of your current MySQL 5.7 or MySQL 8.0 server instance by performing the preliminary checks described below. The same checks and others can be performed using the MySQL ...
Upgrading is a common procedure, as you pick up bug fixes within the same MySQL release series or significant features between major MySQL releases. This section describes the steps to upgrade a MySQL installation. You perform this procedure first ...
At one time, a scan was used based on whether the best index spanned more than 30% of the table, but a fixed percentage no longer determines the choice between using an index or a scan. This section discusses optimizations that can be made for ...
The naming scheme in MySQL 8.0 uses release names that consist of three numbers and an optional suffix (for example, mysql-8.0.1-dmr). Release names can also include a suffix to indicate the stability level of the release. Releases within a series ... MySQL is available on a number of operating systems and ...
If something is wrong with your configuration, these messages make it easier for you to identify and fix any problems. This section gives a general overview of starting the MySQL server. The following sections provide more specific information for ...
Instead, the descriptor begins with a fixed set of members common to all client plugin types, and the common members are followed by any additional members required to implement the specific plugin type. To create a plugin library, you must provide ...

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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The author This site is solely responsible for the way in which the various concepts, and the freedoms that are taken with the reference works, are presented here. Remember that you must cross multiple source information to reduce the risk of errors.

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