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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 101 to 110 of 139 total results
The output uses a data type of STRING for fixed-length strings and VARSTRING for variable-length strings. The following examples illustrate how mysqlbinlog displays row events that specify data modifications. These correspond to events with the ...
--defaults-group-suffix=str Read not only the usual option groups, but also groups with the usual names and a suffix of str. If the --defaults-group-suffix=_other option is given, mysqldump also reads the [client_other] and [mysqldump_other] groups.
This is easily fixed by adding an extra % last on the command line as a separate argument. --defaults-group-suffix=str Read not only the usual option groups, but also groups with the usual names and a suffix of str. If the ... The mysqlshow client ...
In some cases, changing the FLOAT to a DOUBLE fixes this. If you have a complicated query that uses many tables but that returns no rows, you should use the following procedure to find out what is wrong: Test the query with EXPLAIN to check whether ...
MySQL supports an extension for optionally specifying the display width of integer data types in parentheses following the base keyword for the type. For example, INT(4) specifies an INT with a display width of four digits. This optional display ...
The keyword INT is a synonym for INTEGER, and the keywords DEC and FIXED are synonyms for DECIMAL. These types include the exact numeric data types (INTEGER, SMALLINT, DECIMAL, and NUMERIC), as well as the approximate numeric data types (FLOAT, ...
It does not work for fixed-width columns of in-memory tables, nor does it work for Disk Data tables. OPTIMIZE TABLE reorganizes the physical storage of table data and associated index data, to reduce storage space and improve I/O efficiency when ...
The only cases where splitting up a table makes an appreciable difference is if it is a MyISAM table using dynamic row format that you can change to a fixed row size, or if you very often need to scan the table but do not need most of the columns.
To facilitate the use of code written for SQL implementations from other vendors, MySQL maps data types as shown in the following table. These mappings make it easier to import table definitions from other database systems into MySQL. If you create ...
When a floating-point or fixed-point column is assigned a value that exceeds the range implied by the specified (or default) precision and scale, MySQL stores the value representing the corresponding endpoint of that range. If no restrictive modes ...
Displaying 101 to 110 of 139 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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