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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 51 to 60 of 106 total results
Note Because MySQL uses the C escape syntax in strings (for example, \n to represent the newline character), you must double any \ that you use in your expr and pat arguments. For ICU, you can use \b to match word boundaries; double the backslash ...
For example, you might use the ANSI SQL mode to ensure MySQL correctly interprets the standard SQL concatenation operator, the double bar (||), in your queries. SHOW CREATE VIEW view_name This statement shows the CREATE VIEW statement that creates ...
mysql> SELECT ST_GeoHash(180,0,10), ST_GeoHash(-180,-90,15); +----------------------+-------------------------+ | ST_GeoHash(180,0,10) | ST_GeoHash(-180,-90,15) | +----------------------+-------------------------+ | xbpbpbpbpb | 000000000000000 | ...
With ANSI_QUOTES enabled, you cannot use double quotation marks to quote literal strings because they are interpreted as identifiers. The MySQL server can operate in different SQL modes, and can apply these modes differently for different clients, ...
If the same column is instead declared to use the ucs2 double-byte character set, the storage requirement is 10 bytes: The length of 'abcd' is eight bytes and the column requires two bytes to store lengths because the maximum length is greater than ... InnoDB Table Storage Requirements NDB Table Storage Requirements Numeric Type Storage Requirements Date and Time Type Storage Requirements String Type Storage Requirements Spatial Type Storage Requirements JSON Storage Requirements The storage requirements for table data on disk depend on several ...
The server includes dtoa, a conversion library that provides the basis for improved conversion between string or DECIMAL values and approximate-value (FLOAT/DOUBLE) numbers: Consistent conversion results across platforms, which eliminates, for ...
For example, you might use the ANSI SQL mode to ensure MySQL correctly interprets the standard SQL concatenation operator, the double bar (||), in your queries. You must have the SHOW VIEW privilege to access this table. The VIEWS table has these ...
Quote user names and host names as identifiers or as strings, using either backticks (`), single quotation marks ('), or double quotation marks ("). MySQL account names consist of a user name and a host name. This enables creation of accounts for ...
To add a new native MySQL function, use the procedure described here, which requires that you use a source distribution. You cannot add native functions to a binary distribution because it is necessary to modify MySQL source code and compile MySQL ...
SQL Type C/C++ Type STRING char * INTEGER long long REAL double It is also possible to declare a DECIMAL function, but currently the value is returned as a string, so you should write the UDF as though it were a STRING function. For the UDF ...
Displaying 51 to 60 of 106 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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The author This site is solely responsible for the way in which the various concepts, and the freedoms that are taken with the reference works, are presented here. Remember that you must cross multiple source information to reduce the risk of errors.

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