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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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For example, to add date values, use DATE_ADD(); see Section 12.7, “Date and Time Functions”. Table 12.11 Arithmetic Operators Name Description DIV Integer division / Division operator - Minus operator %, MOD Modulo operator + Addition operator ...
The binary log also contains information about how long each statement took that updated data. These events bring databases up to date from the point of the backup. If you disable binary logging, either omit these options, or specify ... The binary ...
The buffer_type member of MYSQL_BIND structures indicates the data type of the C language variable bound to a statement parameter or result set column. For input, buffer_type indicates the type of the variable containing the value to be sent to the ...
Table is already up to date means that the storage engine for the table indicated that there was no need to check the table. A table is reported as needing a rebuild if it contains old temporal columns in pre-5.6.4 format (TIME, DATETIME, and ...
Joshua Chamas <> Base for concurrent insert, extended date syntax, debugging on NT, and answering on the MySQL mailing list. Configure updates for Tru64, large file support and better TCP wrappers support. Although Oracle ...
If all types are temporal, the result is temporal: If all temporal types are DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP, the result is DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP, respectively. Otherwise, for a mix of temporal types, the result is DATETIME. The second syntax returns ...
The precise syntax and semantics depend on the storage engine used. MySQL NDB Cluster also supports tablespaces using the NDB storage engine. Considerations for InnoDB Considerations for NDB Cluster Options Notes InnoDB Examples NDB Example ...
What if you forget the name of a database or table, or what the structure of a given table is (for example, what its columns are called)? MySQL addresses this problem through several statements that provide information about the databases and ...
For a complete up-to-date list of MySQL download mirror sites, see You can also find information there about becoming a MySQL mirror site and how to report a bad or out-of-date mirror. Check our ...
As you gain experience using the daemon_memcached plugin, you can consider relaxing durability settings for non-critical classes of data, at the risk of losing some updated values in the event of an outage, or returning data that is slightly ...
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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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