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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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When the joining member is up to date with all the group's transactions, it is declared online and can participate in the group as a normal member, and distributed recovery is complete. Whenever a member joins or rejoins a replication group, it ...
If a server joins the group, it automatically brings itself up to date by fetching the missing state from an existing server. In MySQL Group Replication, a set of servers forms a replication group. A group has a name, which takes the form of a UUID. The group is dynamic and servers can leave (either voluntarily or involuntarily) and join it at any ...
The recovery component manages distributed recovery, and is responsible for getting a server that is joining the group up to date by selecting the donor, managing the catch up procedure and reacting to donor failures. MySQL Group Replication is a ...
This means that the member is delayed and is not able to keep up to date with the other members of the group. Each member in a replication group certifies and applies transactions received by the group. Statistics regarding the certifier and ...
There is a distributed recovery procedure to ensure that when servers join the group they are brought up to date automatically. There is no need for server failover, and the multi-master update everywhere nature ensures that even updates are not ...
HELP 'search_string' The HELP statement returns online information from the MySQL Reference Manual. Its proper operation requires that the help tables in the mysql database be initialized with help topic information (see Section 5.1.14, ...
Consider this table definition: CREATE TABLE t1 ( i1 INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, i2 INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, d DATE DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (i1, i2), INDEX k_d (d) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; This table defines the primary key on columns (i1, i2). InnoDB ...
Storage engines collect statistics about tables for use by the optimizer. Table statistics are based on value groups, where a value group is a set of rows with the same key prefix value. For optimizer purposes, an important statistic is the average ...
The buffered changes, which may result from INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations (DML), are merged later when the pages are loaded into the buffer pool by other read operations. Similarly, deletes and updates may affect secondary index pages that ...
OPTIMIZE TABLE for an InnoDB table is mapped to an ALTER TABLE operation to rebuild the table and update index statistics and free unused space in the clustered index. Tables created before MySQL 5.6 that include temporal columns (DATE, DATETIME or ... The following limitations apply to online DDL operations: The table is copied when creating an index on a TEMPORARY ...
Displaying 121 to 130 of 175 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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