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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 621 to 630 of 724 total results
CR_SERVER_LOST The connection to the server was lost during the query. int mysql_real_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *stmt_str, unsigned long length) Note mysql_real_query() is a synchronous function. Its asynchronous counterpart is ...
In such cases, connection failure can occur due to key mismatch. void mysql_reset_server_public_key(void) Clears from the client library any cached copy of the public key required by the server for RSA key pair-based password exchange. This might ...
It can be useful for metadata-optional connections when the client does not know in advance whether particular result sets have metadata. enum enum_resultset_metadata mysql_result_metadata(MYSQL_RES *result) mysql_result_metadata() returns a value ...
Note To avoid memory leaks after the application is done using the library (for example, after closing the connection to the server), be sure to call mysql_server_end() (or mysql_library_end()) explicitly. void mysql_server_end(void) This function ...
Note To avoid memory leaks after the application is done using the library (for example, after closing the connection to the server), be sure to call mysql_server_end() (or mysql_library_end()) explicitly. int mysql_server_init(int argc, char ...
The arguments are the connection handler, a set of pointers to callback functions, and a pointer to a data area that the callbacks can use to share information. void mysql_set_local_infile_handler(MYSQL *mysql, int (*local_infile_init)(void **, ...
Collections returned by the server you are currently connected to appear between brackets. In MySQL Shell, you can create new collections, get a list of the existing collections in a schema, and remove an existing collection from a schema.
Collections returned by the server you are currently connected to appear between brackets. In MySQL Shell, you can create new collections, get a list of the existing collections in a schema, and remove an existing collection from a schema.
MySQL Shell includes X DevAPI, implemented in both JavaScript and Python, which enables you to connect to the MySQL server instance using X Protocol and use the server as a Document Store. This quick-start guide provides instructions to begin ...
The X DevAPI enables you to work with both relational and document data when MySQL Shell is connected to a MySQL server using the X Protocol. MySQL Shell is an advanced client and code editor for MySQL Server. In addition to the provided SQL ...
Displaying 621 to 630 of 724 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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