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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 591 to 600 of 724 total results
Note When performing schema changes on NDB tables, applications should wait until the ALTER TABLE statement has returned in the MySQL client connection that issued the statement before attempting to use the updated definition of the table.
These are implemented as NDB statistics _slave status variables, as seen in the output of SHOW STATUS, or in the results of queries against the Performance Schema session_status or global_status table in a mysql client session connected to a MySQL ... NDB Cluster supports asynchronous replication, more usually referred to simply as ...
The SQL statements used to grant and revoke privileges on NDB tables, databases containing such tables, and columns within such tables are identical in all respects with the GRANT and REVOKE statements used in connection with database objects ... In ...
Waiting for event from ndbcluster The server is acting as an SQL node in an NDB Cluster, and is connected to a cluster management node. Committing events to binlog Opening mysql.ndb_apply_status Processing events The thread is processing events for ...
mysql_config provides you with useful information for compiling your MySQL client and connecting it to MySQL. It is a shell script, so it is available only on Unix and Unix-like systems. Note pkg-config can be used as an alternative to mysql_config ...
CR_SERVER_LOST The connection to the server was lost during the query. int mysql_create_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db) Creates the database named by the db parameter.
CR_SERVER_LOST The connection to the server was lost during the query. int mysql_drop_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db) Drops the database named by the db parameter. if(mysql_drop_db(&mysql, "my_database")) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to drop the ...
Because an error may occur on the connection during this process, a NULL return value from mysql_fetch_row() does not necessarily mean the end of the result set was reached normally. mysql_eof() determines whether the last row of a result set has ...
unsigned int mysql_errno(MYSQL *mysql) For the connection specified by mysql, mysql_errno() returns the error code for the most recently invoked API function that can succeed or fail. Client error message numbers are listed in the MySQL errmsg.h ...
const char *mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql) For the connection specified by mysql, mysql_error() returns a null-terminated string containing the error message for the most recently invoked API function that failed. If a function did not fail, the return ...
Displaying 591 to 600 of 724 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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The infobrol is a personal site whose content is my sole responsibility. The text is available under CreativeCommons license (BY-NC-SA). More info on the terms of use and the author.


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