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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 581 to 590 of 724 total results
This tool can be used to check for and remove orphaned BLOB column parts from NDB tables, as well as to generate a file listing any orphaned parts. It is sometimes useful in diagnosing and repairing corrupted or damaged NDB tables containing BLOB ...
Usage ndb_drop_index -c connection_string table_name index -d db_name The statement shown above drops the index named index from the table in the database. Your MySQL connection id is 7 to server version: 5.7.30-ndb-7.5.19 Type 'help;' or '\h' for ...It is recommended that you use this utility only as an example for writing NDB API applications—see the Warning later in this section for ...
ndb_index_stat provides per-fragment statistical information about indexes on NDB tables. This includes cache version and age, number of index entries per partition, and memory consumption by indexes. Running ndb_index_stat with the --update option ...
ndb_perror shows information about an NDB error, given its error code. This includes the error message, the type of error, and whether the error is permanent or temporary. Added to the MySQL NDB Cluster distribution in NDB 7.6.4, it is intended as ...
Like ndb_print_schema_file and ndb_print_sys_file (and unlike most of the other NDB utilities that are intended to be run on a management server host or to connect to a management server) ndb_print_backup_file must be run on a cluster data node, ...
Like ndb_print_schema_file and ndb_print_sys_file (and unlike most of the other NDB utilities that are intended to be run on a management server host or to connect to a management server) ndb_print_file must be run on an NDB Cluster data node, since ... ndb_print_file obtains information from an NDB Cluster Disk Data ...
Like ndb_print_backup_file, ndb_print_sys_file, and ndb_print_schema_file (and unlike most of the other NDB utilities that are intended to be run on a management server host or to connect to a management server), ndb_print_frag_file must be run on a ...It is intended for use in helping to diagnose issues with data node ...
Like ndb_print_backup_file and ndb_print_sys_file (and unlike most of the other NDB utilities that are intended to be run on a management server host or to connect to a management server) ndb_print_schema_file must be run on a cluster data node, ...
Like ndb_print_backup_file and ndb_print_schema_file (and unlike most of the other NDB utilities that are intended to be run on a management server host or to connect to a management server) ndb_print_backup_file must be run on a cluster data node, ... ndb_print_sys_file obtains diagnostic information from an NDB Cluster system ...
Like ndb_print_backup_file and ndb_print_schema_file (and unlike most of the NDB utilities that are intended to be run on a management server host or to connect to a management server) ndb_redo_log_reader must be run on a cluster data node, since it ... Reads a redo log file, checking it for errors, printing its contents in a human-readable format, or ...
Displaying 581 to 590 of 724 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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