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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 501 to 510 of 724 total results
Connecting to the donor MySQL server instance through MySQL Router is not supported. The clone plugin is subject to these limitations: DDL, including TRUNCATE TABLE, is not permitted during a cloning operation. A workaround is to use dedicated ...
If the read_only system variable is enabled, explicitly starting a transaction with START TRANSACTION READ WRITE requires the CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege (or the deprecated SUPER privilege). See Chapter 28, Connectors and APIs, or the documentation ...SET autocommit disables or enables the default autocommit mode for the current ...
See Obtaining Auto-Increment Values, and the description for the FLAG_AUTO_IS_NULL option at Connector/ODBC Connection Parameters. Table 12.3 Comparison Operators Name Description > Greater than operator >= Greater than or equal operator < Less ...
Thompson, Maurizio Menghini, Wojciech Tryc, Luca Berra, Zarko Mocnik, Wim Bonis, Elmar Haneke, <jehamby@lightside>, <>, <>, Ted Deppner <>, Mike Simons, Jaakko Hyvatti. Although Oracle ...
A function is deterministic if, given the same data in tables, multiple invocations produce the same result, independently of the connected user. Examples of functions that are nondeterministic and fail this definition: CONNECTION_ID(), ... Prior to ...
A function is deterministic if, given the same data in tables, multiple invocations produce the same result, independently of the connected user. Examples of functions that are nondeterministic and fail this definition: CONNECTION_ID(), ...Values of ...
Just specify its name after any connection parameters that you might need to provide. If the administrator creates your database for you when setting up your permissions, you can begin using it. Otherwise, you need to create it yourself: mysql> ...
This section describes how to use the openssl command to set up the RSA key files that enable MySQL to support secure password exchange over unencrypted connections for accounts authenticated by the sha256_password and caching_sha2_password plugins. Note There are easier alternatives to generating the files required for RSA than the procedure described here: Let the server autogenerate them or use the mysql_ssl_rsa_setup ...
The administrator needs to execute a statement like this: mysql> GRANT ALL ON menagerie.* TO 'your_mysql_name'@'your_client_host'; where your_mysql_name is the MySQL user name assigned to you and your_client_host is the host from which you connect ... Once you know how to enter SQL statements, you are ready to access a ...
If you have problems with your own client code, you should attempt to connect to the server and run your query using a client that is known to work. To be able to debug a MySQL client with the integrated debug package, you should configure MySQL ...
Displaying 501 to 510 of 724 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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