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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 491 to 500 of 721 total results
Similarly, if you get undefined-reference errors for other functions that should exist on your system, such as connect(), check the manual page for the function in question to determine which libraries you should add to the link command. This ...
This section describes prepared-statement support in the C API for stored procedures executed using CALL statements: Stored procedures executed using prepared CALL statements can be used in the following ways: A stored procedure can produce any ...
The mysql variable is assumed to be a valid connection handler. The binary (prepared statement) protocol enables you to send and receive date and time values (DATE, TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP), using the MYSQL_TIME structure. The members of this ...
You might see an error like this if you have character set problems: MySQL Connection Failed: Can't initialize character set charset_name This error can have any of the following causes: The character set is a multibyte character set and you have ...In this case, you need to recompile the client by running CMake with the -DDEFAULT_CHARSET=charset_name ...
mysqld starts, then switches to run as the Unix user user_name before accepting any connections. On Windows, you can run the server as a Windows service using a normal user account. On Linux, for installations performed using a MySQL repository or ...
--slave_net-timeout=N This value is set per channel, so that each channel waits for N seconds to check for a broken connection. This section describes startup options which are impacted by the addition of replication channels. The following startup ...
For more information about character_set_results, see Section 10.4, “Connection Character Sets and Collations”. This section describes how the MySQL server uses character sets for constructing error messages. For information about the language ...
(See Section 10.4, “Connection Character Sets and Collations”.) Alternatively, a client program can perform the conversion after receiving the result from the server. Metadata is “the data about the data.” Anything that describes the ...
The following items summarize other potential incompatibilities: SET NAMES 'utf8mb4' causes use of the 4-byte character set for connection character sets. This section describes issues that you may face when converting character data between the ...
Connecting to the donor MySQL server instance through MySQL Router is not supported. The clone plugin is subject to these limitations: DDL, including TRUNCATE TABLE, is not permitted during a cloning operation. A workaround is to use dedicated ...
Displaying 491 to 500 of 721 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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The author This site is solely responsible for the way in which the various concepts, and the freedoms that are taken with the reference works, are presented here. Remember that you must cross multiple source information to reduce the risk of errors.

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