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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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If the server ID is set to 0, binary logging takes place, but a master with a server ID of 0 refuses any connections from slaves, and a slave with a server ID of 0 refuses to connect to a master. The following sections contain information about ...
Note The instructions in this section place the server to be backed up in a state that is safe for backup methods that get the data from the server, such as mysqldump (see Section 4.5.4, “mysqldump — A Database Backup Program”). You should not ...
Start by creating a wrapper library or module that implements the following functions: safe_writer_connect() safe_reader_connect() safe_reader_statement() safe_writer_statement() safe_ in each function name means that the function takes care of ...
Web clients that issue only reads (and would normally be connected to the slaves) are not shown, as they do not need to switch to a new server in the event of failure. To use CHANGE MASTER TO, add all information about how to connect to Slave 1 from ... You can tell a slave to change to a new master using the CHANGE MASTER TO ...
MySQL includes several components and plugins that implement security features: Plugins for authenticating attempts by clients to connect to MySQL Server. (MySQL Enterprise Edition only) MySQL Enterprise Audit, implemented using a server plugin, ...
The following table lists all command-line options, system variables, and status variables applicable within mysqld. The table lists command-line options (Cmd-line), options valid in configuration files (Option file), server system variables ...
Change location into that directory and process the file with the mysql client as follows: mysql -u root -p mysql < fill_help_tables.sql The command shown here assumes that you connect to the server using an account such as root that has privileges ... MySQL Server supports a HELP statement that returns information from the MySQL Reference Manual (see Section 13.8.3, “HELP ...
The new password becomes the primary password, but clients can use the account to connect to the server using either the primary or secondary password. When the read_only system variable is enabled, SET PASSWORD requires the CONNECTION_ADMIN or ...
When a connection terminates, the row in socket_summary_by_instance corresponding to it is deleted. COUNT_MISC, SUM_TIMER_MISC, MIN_TIMER_MISC, AVG_TIMER_MISC, MAX_TIMER_MISC These columns aggregate all other socket operations, such as CONNECT, ...
This can be used to avoid deadlocks between STOP SLAVE and other slave SQL statements using different client connections to the slave. If the current replication event group has modified one or more nontransactional tables, STOP SLAVE waits for up ...] thread_type: IO_THREAD | SQL_THREAD channel_option: FOR CHANNEL channel Stops the slave ...
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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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The author This site is solely responsible for the way in which the various concepts, and the freedoms that are taken with the reference works, are presented here. Remember that you must cross multiple source information to reduce the risk of errors.

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