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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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This section describes options supported by most MySQL client programs that control how client programs establish connections to the server, whether connections are encrypted, and whether connections are compressed. Command Options for Connection ...These options can be given on the command line or in an option ...
This section describes use of URI-like connection strings or key-value pairs to specify how to establish connections to the MySQL server, for clients such as MySQL Shell. For information on establishing connections using command-line options, for ...Parameters specified with key-value pairs use a syntax such as {user:'myuser', host:'', port:3306, ...
Several options are available to indicate whether to use encrypted connections, and to specify the appropriate certificate and key files. Encrypted connections also can be used in these contexts: Between master and slave replication servers. On the ...Instructions for creating any required certificate and key files are available in Section 6.3.3, “Creating SSL and RSA Certificates and ...
Connections to the server can use a compressed protocol that reduces the number of bytes sent over the connection. By default, connections are uncompressed, but can be compressed if the server and the client agree on the compression algorithm to ...
This section describes aspects of how the MySQL server manages client connections. Network Interfaces and Connection Manager Threads Client Connection Thread Management Connection Volume Management Administrative Connection Management The server is ...This interface can use the manager thread that handles “ordinary” TCP/IP requests, or a separate ...
If you encounter problems when you try to connect to the MySQL server, the following items describe some courses of action you can take to correct the problem. If the server was started with --skip-networking, it will not accept TCP/IP connections ...To correct this when you invoke a client program, specify a --port option to indicate the proper port number, or a --socket option to indicate the proper named pipe or Unix socket ...
This section describes use of command-line options to specify how to establish connections to the MySQL server, for clients such as mysql or mysqldump. For information on establishing connections using URI-like connection strings or key-value ...
A “connection” is what a client program makes when it connects to the server, to begin a session within which it interacts with the server. The client sends SQL statements, such as queries, over the session connection. The server sends ...Some ...
A MySQL client on Unix can connect to the mysqld server in two different ways: By using a Unix socket file to connect through a file in the file system (default /tmp/mysql.sock), or by using TCP/IP, which connects through a port number. A Unix ...A ...
Supported Connection TLS Protocols Connection TLS Protocol Configuration Connection Cipher Configuration MySQL supports encrypted connections using the TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, and TLSv1.3 protocols, listed in order from less secure to more secure.
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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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