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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 21 to 30 of 199 total results
Table Column Data Type tt ActualPC CHAR(10) tt AssignedPC CHAR(10) tt ClientID CHAR(10) et EMPLOYID CHAR(15) do CUSTNMBR CHAR(15) The tables have the following indexes. In this context, VARCHAR and CHAR are considered the same if they are declared ... The EXPLAIN statement provides information about how MySQL executes ...
For example, you can replicate from a CHAR(10) column to another CHAR(10), or from a CHAR(10) column to a CHAR(25) column without any problems. If only ALL_NON_LOSSY is set, but not ALL_LOSSY, then attempting a conversion that would result in the ...
As of MySQL 8.0.16, the C API includes asynchronous functions that enable nonblocking communication with the MySQL server. Asynchronous functions enable development of applications that differ from the query processing model based on synchronous ...
For integer variables (which can be char for single-byte values or an integer type for larger values), you should also indicate whether the variable has the unsigned attribute by setting the is_unsigned member, described later. For character ...
Declare xxx_reset() as follows: void xxx_reset(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *is_null, char *error); xxx_reset() is not needed or used in MySQL 8.0, in which the UDF interface uses xxx_clear() instead. Declare xxx_clear() as follows: void ... This section describes the different functions that you need to define when you create an aggregate ...
Every “character” column (that is, a column of type CHAR, VARCHAR, a TEXT type, or any synonym) has a column character set and a column collation. CREATE TABLE t1 ( col1 CHAR(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ) CHARACTER SET latin1 ...
To convert a binary or nonbinary string column to use a particular character set, use ALTER TABLE. For successful conversion to occur, one of the following conditions must apply: If the column has a binary data type (BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB), all ...Suppose that a table t has a binary column named col1 defined as ...
This section describes issues that you may face when converting character data between the utf8mb3 and utf8mb4 character sets. Note This discussion focuses primarily on converting between utf8mb3 and utf8mb4, but similar principles apply to ...The ...
This will avoid potential problems with trailing space removal or character set conversion that would change data values, such as may occur if you use a nonbinary string data type (CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT). Some encryption functions return strings of ...
Note The information in this section applies to NDB Cluster running on both Unix and Windows platforms. Working with database tables and data in NDB Cluster is not much different from doing so in standard MySQL. There are two key points to keep in ...
Displaying 21 to 30 of 199 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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