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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 61 to 70 of 132 total results
Deterministic UDFs that generate large BLOB values take longer to replicate with row-based replication than with statement-based replication. This is because the BLOB column value is logged, rather than the statement generating the data. For most ...
The following table lists all command-line options, system variables, and status variables applicable within mysqld. The table lists command-line options (Cmd-line), options valid in configuration files (Option file), server system variables ...
The following table lists all system variables applicable within mysqld. The table lists command-line options (Cmd-line), options valid in configuration files (Option file), server system variables (System Var), and status variables (Status var) in ...
You must increase this value if you are using large BLOB columns or long strings. It should be as big as the largest BLOB you want to use. The MySQL server maintains many system variables that configure its operation. System variables can be set at ...
It is used when the table contains no variable-length columns (VARCHAR, VARBINARY, BLOB, or TEXT). Note Fixed-length row format is only available for tables without BLOB or TEXT columns. Of the three MyISAM storage formats, static format is the ...
The BINARY and VARBINARY types are similar to CHAR and VARCHAR, except that they contain binary strings rather than nonbinary strings. This means they have the binary character set and collation, and comparison and sorting are based on the numeric ...
This enables you to distinguish BINARY from CHAR, VARBINARY from VARCHAR, and the BLOB types from the TEXT types. Prepared statements transmit data between the client and server using C language variables on the client side that correspond to SQL ...
For example, if you have BLOB values that contain up to 16MB of data, you must have a communication buffer limit of at least 16MB (in both server and client). The C API provides low-level access to the MySQL client/server protocol and enables C ...
For binary strings (BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB), comparisons use the numeric values of the bytes in the operands; this means that for alphabetic characters, comparisons will be case-sensitive. For nonbinary strings (CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT), string ...
Binary strings (as stored using the BINARY, VARBINARY, and BLOB data types) have a character set and collation named binary. This section describes how the binary collation for binary strings compares to _bin collations for nonbinary strings.
Displaying 61 to 70 of 132 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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