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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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If you are replicating large column values (such as might be found in TEXT or BLOB columns) and max_allowed_packet is too small on the master, the master fails with an error, and the slave shuts down the I/O thread. max_allowed_packet sets an upper ...
This is useful if you want to store a BLOB value in a file. INTO form of SELECT enables a query result to be stored in variables or written to a file: SELECT ... Column and line terminators can be specified to produce a specific output format. INTO ...
NdbBlob: The number and size of NdbBlob objects that have been created. An NdbBlob is created for each new operation involving a BLOB column in an NDB table. SHOW ENGINE engine_name {STATUS | MUTEX} SHOW ENGINE displays operational information ...
However, prefix lengths for index specifications in CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and CREATE INDEX statements are interpreted as number of characters for nonbinary string types (CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT) and number of bytes for binary string types (BINARY, ... SHOW [EXTENDED] {INDEX | INDEXES | KEYS} {FROM | IN} tbl_name [{FROM | IN} db_name] [WHERE expr] SHOW INDEX returns table index ...
For NDB tables, the output of this statement shows appropriate values for the Avg_row_length and Data_length columns, with the exception that BLOB columns are not taken into account. SHOW TABLE STATUS [{FROM | IN} db_name] [LIKE 'pattern' | WHERE ...
It does not apply to external pages used for TEXT or BLOB entries. InnoDB performs a bulk load instead of inserting one index record at a time when creating or rebuilding indexes. This method of index creation is also known as a sorted index build.
However, prefix lengths for index specifications in CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and CREATE INDEX statements are interpreted as number of characters for nonbinary string types (CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT) and number of bytes for binary string types (BINARY, ...The information_schema_stats_expiry system variable defines the period of time before cached table statistics ...
A string is a sequence of bytes or characters, enclosed within either single quote (') or double quote (") characters. Examples: 'a string' "another string" Quoted strings placed next to each other are concatenated to a single string. The following ...
The string types are CHAR, VARCHAR, BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB, TEXT, ENUM, and SET. This section describes how these types work and how to use them in your queries. For string type storage requirements, see Section 11.8, “Data Type Storage ...
The optimizer uses materialization to enable more efficient subquery processing. Materialization speeds up query execution by generating a subquery result as a temporary table, normally in memory. The first time MySQL needs the subquery result, it ...
Displaying 121 to 130 of 132 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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