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Class MTOMFeature

  • public final class MTOMFeature
    extends WebServiceFeature
    This feature represents the use of MTOM with a web service. This feature can be used during the creation of SEI proxy, and Dispatch instances on the client side and Endpoint instances on the server side. This feature cannot be used for Service instance creation on the client side.

    The following describes the affects of this feature with respect to being enabled or disabled:

    • ENABLED: In this Mode, MTOM will be enabled. A receiver MUST accept both a non-optimized and an optimized message, and a sender MAY send an optimized message, or a non-optimized message. The heuristics used by a sender to determine whether to use optimization or not are implementation-specific.
    • DISABLED: In this Mode, MTOM will be disabled

    The threshold property can be used to set the threshold value used to determine when binary data should be XOP encoded.

    JAX-WS 2.1
    • Field Detail

      • threshold

        protected int threshold
        Property for MTOM threshold value. This property serves as a hint when MTOM is enabled, binary data above this size in bytes SHOULD be sent as attachment. The value of this property MUST always be >= 0. Default value is 0.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MTOMFeature

        public MTOMFeature()
        Create an MTOMFeature. The instance created will be enabled.
      • MTOMFeature

        public MTOMFeature(boolean enabled)
        Creates an MTOMFeature.
        enabled - specifies if this feature should be enabled or not
      • MTOMFeature

        public MTOMFeature(int threshold)
        Creates an MTOMFeature. The instance created will be enabled.
        threshold - the size in bytes that binary data SHOULD be before being sent as an attachment.
        WebServiceException - if threshold is < 0
      • MTOMFeature

        public MTOMFeature(boolean enabled,
                   int threshold)
        Creates an MTOMFeature.
        enabled - specifies if this feature should be enabled or not
        threshold - the size in bytes that binary data SHOULD be before being sent as an attachment.
        WebServiceException - if threshold is < 0
    • Method Detail

      • getID

        public String getID()
        Get the unique identifier for this WebServiceFeature.
        Specified by:
        getID in class WebServiceFeature
        the unique identifier for this feature.
      • getThreshold

        public int getThreshold()
        Gets the threshold value used to determine when binary data should be sent as an attachment.
        the current threshold size in bytes

Document created the 11/06/2005, last modified the 04/03/2020
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