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Interface SOAPMessageContext

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Map<String,Object>, MessageContext

    public interface SOAPMessageContext
    extends MessageContext
    The interface SOAPMessageContext provides access to the SOAP message for either RPC request or response. The javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage specifies the standard Java API for the representation of a SOAP 1.1 message with attachments.
    JAX-WS 2.0
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getMessage

        SOAPMessage getMessage()
        Gets the SOAPMessage from this message context. Modifications to the returned SOAPMessage change the message in-place, there is no need to subsequently call setMessage.
        Returns the SOAPMessage; returns null if no SOAPMessage is present in this message context
      • setMessage

        void setMessage(SOAPMessage message)
        Sets the SOAPMessage in this message context
        message - SOAP message
        WebServiceException - If any error during the setting of the SOAPMessage in this message context
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this operation is not supported
      • getHeaders

        Object[] getHeaders(QName header,
                          JAXBContext context,
                          boolean allRoles)
        Gets headers that have a particular qualified name from the message in the message context. Note that a SOAP message can contain multiple headers with the same qualified name.
        header - The XML qualified name of the SOAP header(s).
        context - The JAXBContext that should be used to unmarshall the header
        allRoles - If true then returns headers for all SOAP roles, if false then only returns headers targetted at the roles currently being played by this SOAP node, see getRoles.
        An array of unmarshalled headers; returns an empty array if no message is present in this message context or no headers match the supplied qualified name.
        WebServiceException - If an error occurs when using the supplied JAXBContext to unmarshall. The cause of the WebServiceException is the original JAXBException.
      • getRoles

        Set<String> getRoles()
        Gets the SOAP actor roles associated with an execution of the handler chain. Note that SOAP actor roles apply to the SOAP node and are managed using SOAPBinding.setRoles(java.util.Set<java.lang.String>) and SOAPBinding.getRoles(). Handler instances in the handler chain use this information about the SOAP actor roles to process the SOAP header blocks. Note that the SOAP actor roles are invariant during the processing of SOAP message through the handler chain.
        Array of String for SOAP actor roles

Document created the 11/06/2005, last modified the 04/03/2020
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