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Class AttachmentUnmarshaller

    • Constructor Detail

      • AttachmentUnmarshaller

        public AttachmentUnmarshaller()
    • Method Detail

      • getAttachmentAsDataHandler

        public abstract DataHandler getAttachmentAsDataHandler(String cid)

        Lookup MIME content by content-id, cid, and return as a DataHandler.

        The returned DataHandler instance must be configured to meet the following required mapping constaint.

        Required Mappings between MIME and Java Types
        MIME Type Java Type
        DataHandler.getContentType() instanceof DataHandler.getContent()
        image/gif java.awt.Image
        image/jpeg java.awt.Image
        text/xml or application/xml javax.xml.transform.Source

        AttachmentUnmarshaller (Java Platform SE 7 ) Home of API Java Contents Haut

        Note that it is allowable to support additional mappings.

        cid - It is expected to be a valid lexical form of the XML Schema xs:anyURI datatype. If isXOPPackage() ==true, it must be a valid URI per the cid: URI scheme (see RFC 2387)
        a DataHandler that represents the MIME attachment.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the attachment for the given cid is not found.
      • getAttachmentAsByteArray

        public abstract byte[] getAttachmentAsByteArray(String cid)

        Retrieve the attachment identified by content-id, cid, as a byte[]

        cid - It is expected to be a valid lexical form of the XML Schema xs:anyURI datatype. If isXOPPackage() ==true, it must be a valid URI per the cid: URI scheme (see RFC 2387)
        byte[] representation of attachment identified by cid.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the attachment for the given cid is not found.
      • isXOPPackage

        public boolean isXOPPackage()

        Read-only property that returns true if JAXB unmarshaller needs to perform XOP processing.

        This method returns true when the constraints specified in Identifying XOP Documents are met. This value must not change during the unmarshalling process.

        true when MIME context is a XOP Document.

Document created the 11/06/2005, last modified the 04/03/2020
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