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Class TextAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextAction

        public TextAction(String name)
        Creates a new JTextAction object.
        name - the name of the action
    • Method Detail

      • getTextComponent

        protected final JTextComponent getTextComponent(ActionEvent e)
        Determines the component to use for the action. This if fetched from the source of the ActionEvent if it's not null and can be narrowed. Otherwise, the last focused component is used.
        e - the ActionEvent
        the component
      • augmentList

        public static final Action[] augmentList(Action[] list1,
                           Action[] list2)
        Takes one list of commands and augments it with another list of commands. The second list takes precedence over the first list; that is, when both lists contain a command with the same name, the command from the second list is used.
        list1 - the first list, may be empty but not null
        list2 - the second list, may be empty but not null
        the augmented list
      • getFocusedComponent

        protected final JTextComponent getFocusedComponent()
        Fetches the text component that currently has focus. This allows actions to be shared across text components which is useful for key-bindings where a large set of actions are defined, but generally used the same way across many different components.
        the component

Document created the 11/06/2005, last modified the 04/03/2020
Source of the printed document:

The infobrol is a personal site whose content is my sole responsibility. The text is available under CreativeCommons license (BY-NC-SA). More info on the terms of use and the author.


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