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Class DocFlavor.URL

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable
    Enclosing class:

    public static class DocFlavor.URL
    extends DocFlavor
    Class DocFlavor.URL provides predefined static constant DocFlavor objects. For example doc flavors using a Uniform Resource Locator ( as the print data representation class.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final DocFlavor.URL TEXT_PLAIN_HOST
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain", encoded in the host platform encoding. See hostEncoding Print data representation class name = "" (byte stream).
      • TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8

        public static final DocFlavor.URL TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8", print data representation class name = "" (byte stream).
      • TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16

        public static final DocFlavor.URL TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain; charset=utf-16", print data representation class name ="" (byte stream).

        public static final DocFlavor.URL TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16BE
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain; charset=utf-16be" (big-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name = "" (byte stream).

        public static final DocFlavor.URL TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16LE
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain; charset=utf-16le" (little-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name = "" (byte stream).

        public static final DocFlavor.URL TEXT_PLAIN_US_ASCII
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain; charset=us-ascii", print data representation class name = "" (byte stream).

        public static final DocFlavor.URL TEXT_HTML_HOST
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html", encoded in the host platform encoding. See hostEncoding Print data representation class name = "" (byte stream).
      • TEXT_HTML_UTF_8

        public static final DocFlavor.URL TEXT_HTML_UTF_8
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html; charset=utf-8", print data representation class name = "" (byte stream).
      • TEXT_HTML_UTF_16

        public static final DocFlavor.URL TEXT_HTML_UTF_16
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html; charset=utf-16", print data representation class name = "" (byte stream).
      • TEXT_HTML_UTF_16BE

        public static final DocFlavor.URL TEXT_HTML_UTF_16BE
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html; charset=utf-16be" (big-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name = "" (byte stream).
      • TEXT_HTML_UTF_16LE

        public static final DocFlavor.URL TEXT_HTML_UTF_16LE
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html; charset=utf-16le" (little-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name = "" (byte stream).

        public static final DocFlavor.URL TEXT_HTML_US_ASCII
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html; charset=us-ascii", print data representation class name = "" (byte stream).
      • PDF

        public static final DocFlavor.URL PDF
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/pdf", print data representation class name = "".

        public static final DocFlavor.URL POSTSCRIPT
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/postscript", print data representation class name = "".
      • PCL

        public static final DocFlavor.URL PCL
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/vnd.hp-PCL", print data representation class name = "".
      • GIF

        public static final DocFlavor.URL GIF
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "image/gif", print data representation class name = "".
      • JPEG

        public static final DocFlavor.URL JPEG
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "image/jpeg", print data representation class name = "".
      • PNG

        public static final DocFlavor.URL PNG
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "image/png", print data representation class name = "".

        public static final DocFlavor.URL AUTOSENSE
        Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/octet-stream", print data representation class name = "". The client must determine that data described using this DocFlavor is valid for the printer.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DocFlavor.URL

        public DocFlavor.URL(String mimeType)
        Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print data representation class name of "".
        mimeType - MIME media type string.
        NullPointerException - (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType does not obey the syntax for a MIME media type string.

Document created the 11/06/2005, last modified the 04/03/2020
Source of the printed document:

The infobrol is a personal site whose content is my sole responsibility. The text is available under CreativeCommons license (BY-NC-SA). More info on the terms of use and the author.


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