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Class PKIXCertPathValidatorResult

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Cloneable, CertPathValidatorResult
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class PKIXCertPathValidatorResult
    extends Object
    implements CertPathValidatorResult
    This class represents the successful result of the PKIX certification path validation algorithm.

    Instances of PKIXCertPathValidatorResult are returned by the validate method of CertPathValidator objects implementing the PKIX algorithm.

    All PKIXCertPathValidatorResult objects contain the valid policy tree and subject public key resulting from the validation algorithm, as well as a TrustAnchor describing the certification authority (CA) that served as a trust anchor for the certification path.

    Concurrent Access

    Unless otherwise specified, the methods defined in this class are not thread-safe. Multiple threads that need to access a single object concurrently should synchronize amongst themselves and provide the necessary locking. Multiple threads each manipulating separate objects need not synchronize.

    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • PKIXCertPathValidatorResult

        public PKIXCertPathValidatorResult(TrustAnchor trustAnchor,
                                   PolicyNode policyTree,
                                   PublicKey subjectPublicKey)
        Creates an instance of PKIXCertPathValidatorResult containing the specified parameters.
        trustAnchor - a TrustAnchor describing the CA that served as a trust anchor for the certification path
        policyTree - the immutable valid policy tree, or null if there are no valid policies
        subjectPublicKey - the public key of the subject
        NullPointerException - if the subjectPublicKey or trustAnchor parameters are null
    • Method Detail

      • getTrustAnchor

        public TrustAnchor getTrustAnchor()
        Returns the TrustAnchor describing the CA that served as a trust anchor for the certification path.
        the TrustAnchor (never null)
      • getPolicyTree

        public PolicyNode getPolicyTree()
        Returns the root node of the valid policy tree resulting from the PKIX certification path validation algorithm. The PolicyNode object that is returned and any objects that it returns through public methods are immutable.

        Most applications will not need to examine the valid policy tree. They can achieve their policy processing goals by setting the policy-related parameters in PKIXParameters. However, more sophisticated applications, especially those that process policy qualifiers, may need to traverse the valid policy tree using the PolicyNode.getParent and PolicyNode.getChildren methods.

        the root node of the valid policy tree, or null if there are no valid policies
      • getPublicKey

        public PublicKey getPublicKey()
        Returns the public key of the subject (target) of the certification path, including any inherited public key parameters if applicable.
        the public key of the subject (never null)
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a printable representation of this PKIXCertPathValidatorResult.
        toString in class Object
        a String describing the contents of this PKIXCertPathValidatorResult

Document created the 11/06/2005, last modified the 04/03/2020
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