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Interface ActivationInstantiator

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ActivationGroup, ActivationGroup_Stub

    public interface ActivationInstantiator
    extends Remote
    An ActivationInstantiator is responsible for creating instances of "activatable" objects. A concrete subclass of ActivationGroup implements the newInstance method to handle creating objects within the group.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> newInstance(ActivationID id,
                                                     ActivationDesc desc)
                                                       throws ActivationException,
        The activator calls an instantiator's newInstance method in order to recreate in that group an object with the activation identifier, id, and descriptor, desc. The instantiator is responsible for:
        • determining the class for the object using the descriptor's getClassName method,
        • loading the class from the code location obtained from the descriptor (using the getLocation method),
        • creating an instance of the class by invoking the special "activation" constructor of the object's class that takes two arguments: the object's ActivationID, and the MarshalledObject containing object specific initialization data, and
        • returning a MarshalledObject containing the stub for the remote object it created
        id - the object's activation identifier
        desc - the object's descriptor
        a marshalled object containing the serialized representation of remote object's stub
        ActivationException - if object activation fails
        RemoteException - if remote call fails

Document created the 11/06/2005, last modified the 04/03/2020
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