Interface MBeanServer

    • Method Detail

      • createMBean

        ObjectInstance createMBean(String className,
                                 ObjectName name)
                                   throws ReflectionException,

        Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server. The MBean server will use its Default Loader Repository to load the class of the MBean. An object name is associated with the MBean. If the object name given is null, the MBean must provide its own name by implementing the MBeanRegistration interface and returning the name from the preRegister method.

        This method is equivalent to createMBean(className, name, (Object[]) null, (String[]) null).

        If this method successfully creates an MBean, a notification is sent as described above.

        Specified by:
        createMBean in interface MBeanServerConnection
        className - The class name of the MBean to be instantiated.
        name - The object name of the MBean. May be null.
        An ObjectInstance, containing the ObjectName and the Java class name of the newly instantiated MBean. If the contained ObjectName is n, the contained Java class name is getMBeanInfo(n).getClassName().
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The className passed in parameter is null, the ObjectName passed in parameter contains a pattern or no ObjectName is specified for the MBean.
        RuntimeMBeanException - If the MBean's constructor or its preRegister or postRegister method threw a RuntimeException. If the postRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean throws a RuntimeException, the createMBean method will throw a RuntimeMBeanException, although the MBean creation and registration succeeded. In such a case, the MBean will be actually registered even though the createMBean method threw an exception. Note that RuntimeMBeanException can also be thrown by preRegister, in which case the MBean will not be registered.
        RuntimeErrorException - If the postRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean throws an Error, the createMBean method will throw a RuntimeErrorException, although the MBean creation and registration succeeded. In such a case, the MBean will be actually registered even though the createMBean method threw an exception. Note that RuntimeErrorException can also be thrown by preRegister, in which case the MBean will not be registered.
        ReflectionException - Wraps a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException or a java.lang.Exception that occurred when trying to invoke the MBean's constructor.
        InstanceAlreadyExistsException - The MBean is already under the control of the MBean server.
        MBeanRegistrationException - The preRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean has thrown an exception. The MBean will not be registered.
        MBeanException - The constructor of the MBean has thrown an exception
        NotCompliantMBeanException - This class is not a JMX compliant MBean
        See Also:
      • createMBean

        ObjectInstance createMBean(String className,
                                 ObjectName name,
                                 ObjectName loaderName)
                                   throws ReflectionException,

        Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server. The class loader to be used is identified by its object name. An object name is associated with the MBean. If the object name of the loader is null, the ClassLoader that loaded the MBean server will be used. If the MBean's object name given is null, the MBean must provide its own name by implementing the MBeanRegistration interface and returning the name from the preRegister method.

        This method is equivalent to createMBean(className, name, loaderName, (Object[]) null, (String[]) null).

        If this method successfully creates an MBean, a notification is sent as described above.

        Specified by:
        createMBean in interface MBeanServerConnection
        className - The class name of the MBean to be instantiated.
        name - The object name of the MBean. May be null.
        loaderName - The object name of the class loader to be used.
        An ObjectInstance, containing the ObjectName and the Java class name of the newly instantiated MBean. If the contained ObjectName is n, the contained Java class name is getMBeanInfo(n).getClassName().
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The className passed in parameter is null, the ObjectName passed in parameter contains a pattern or no ObjectName is specified for the MBean.
        RuntimeMBeanException - If the MBean's constructor or its preRegister or postRegister method threw a RuntimeException. If the postRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean throws a RuntimeException, the createMBean method will throw a RuntimeMBeanException, although the MBean creation and registration succeeded. In such a case, the MBean will be actually registered even though the createMBean method threw an exception. Note that RuntimeMBeanException can also be thrown by preRegister, in which case the MBean will not be registered.
        RuntimeErrorException - If the postRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean throws an Error, the createMBean method will throw a RuntimeErrorException, although the MBean creation and registration succeeded. In such a case, the MBean will be actually registered even though the createMBean method threw an exception. Note that RuntimeErrorException can also be thrown by preRegister, in which case the MBean will not be registered.
        ReflectionException - Wraps a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException or a java.lang.Exception that occurred when trying to invoke the MBean's constructor.
        InstanceAlreadyExistsException - The MBean is already under the control of the MBean server.
        MBeanRegistrationException - The preRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean has thrown an exception. The MBean will not be registered.
        MBeanException - The constructor of the MBean has thrown an exception
        NotCompliantMBeanException - This class is not a JMX compliant MBean
        InstanceNotFoundException - The specified class loader is not registered in the MBean server.
        See Also:
      • createMBean

        ObjectInstance createMBean(String className,
                                 ObjectName name,
                                 Object[] params,
                                 String[] signature)
                                   throws ReflectionException,
        Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server. The MBean server will use its Default Loader Repository to load the class of the MBean. An object name is associated with the MBean. If the object name given is null, the MBean must provide its own name by implementing the MBeanRegistration interface and returning the name from the preRegister method.

        If this method successfully creates an MBean, a notification is sent as described above.

        Specified by:
        createMBean in interface MBeanServerConnection
        className - The class name of the MBean to be instantiated.
        name - The object name of the MBean. May be null.
        params - An array containing the parameters of the constructor to be invoked.
        signature - An array containing the signature of the constructor to be invoked.
        An ObjectInstance, containing the ObjectName and the Java class name of the newly instantiated MBean. If the contained ObjectName is n, the contained Java class name is getMBeanInfo(n).getClassName().
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The className passed in parameter is null, the ObjectName passed in parameter contains a pattern or no ObjectName is specified for the MBean.
        RuntimeMBeanException - If the MBean's constructor or its preRegister or postRegister method threw a RuntimeException. If the postRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean throws a RuntimeException, the createMBean method will throw a RuntimeMBeanException, although the MBean creation and registration succeeded. In such a case, the MBean will be actually registered even though the createMBean method threw an exception. Note that RuntimeMBeanException can also be thrown by preRegister, in which case the MBean will not be registered.
        RuntimeErrorException - If the postRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean throws an Error, the createMBean method will throw a RuntimeErrorException, although the MBean creation and registration succeeded. In such a case, the MBean will be actually registered even though the createMBean method threw an exception. Note that RuntimeErrorException can also be thrown by preRegister, in which case the MBean will not be registered.
        ReflectionException - Wraps a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException or a java.lang.Exception that occurred when trying to invoke the MBean's constructor.
        InstanceAlreadyExistsException - The MBean is already under the control of the MBean server.
        MBeanRegistrationException - The preRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean has thrown an exception. The MBean will not be registered.
        MBeanException - The constructor of the MBean has thrown an exception
        NotCompliantMBeanException - This class is not a JMX compliant MBean
        See Also:
      • createMBean

        ObjectInstance createMBean(String className,
                                 ObjectName name,
                                 ObjectName loaderName,
                                 Object[] params,
                                 String[] signature)
                                   throws ReflectionException,

        Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server. The class loader to be used is identified by its object name. An object name is associated with the MBean. If the object name of the loader is not specified, the ClassLoader that loaded the MBean server will be used. If the MBean object name given is null, the MBean must provide its own name by implementing the MBeanRegistration interface and returning the name from the preRegister method.

        If this method successfully creates an MBean, a notification is sent as described above.

        Specified by:
        createMBean in interface MBeanServerConnection
        className - The class name of the MBean to be instantiated.
        name - The object name of the MBean. May be null.
        loaderName - The object name of the class loader to be used.
        params - An array containing the parameters of the constructor to be invoked.
        signature - An array containing the signature of the constructor to be invoked.
        An ObjectInstance, containing the ObjectName and the Java class name of the newly instantiated MBean. If the contained ObjectName is n, the contained Java class name is getMBeanInfo(n).getClassName().
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The className passed in parameter is null, the ObjectName passed in parameter contains a pattern or no ObjectName is specified for the MBean.
        RuntimeMBeanException - The MBean's constructor or its preRegister or postRegister method threw a RuntimeException. If the postRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean throws a RuntimeException, the createMBean method will throw a RuntimeMBeanException, although the MBean creation and registration succeeded. In such a case, the MBean will be actually registered even though the createMBean method threw an exception. Note that RuntimeMBeanException can also be thrown by preRegister, in which case the MBean will not be registered.
        RuntimeErrorException - If the postRegister method (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean throws an Error, the createMBean method will throw a RuntimeErrorException, although the MBean creation and registration succeeded. In such a case, the MBean will be actually registered even though the createMBean method threw an exception. Note that RuntimeErrorException can also be thrown by preRegister, in which case the MBean will not be registered.
        ReflectionException - Wraps a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException or a java.lang.Exception that occurred when trying to invoke the MBean's constructor.
        InstanceAlreadyExistsException - The MBean is already under the control of the MBean server.
        MBeanRegistrationException - The preRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean has thrown an exception. The MBean will not be registered.
        MBeanException - The constructor of the MBean has thrown an exception
        NotCompliantMBeanException - This class is not a JMX compliant MBean
        InstanceNotFoundException - The specified class loader is not registered in the MBean server.
        See Also:
      • registerMBean

        ObjectInstance registerMBean(Object object,
                                   ObjectName name)
                                     throws InstanceAlreadyExistsException,

        Registers a pre-existing object as an MBean with the MBean server. If the object name given is null, the MBean must provide its own name by implementing the MBeanRegistration interface and returning the name from the preRegister method.

        If this method successfully registers an MBean, a notification is sent as described above.

        object - The MBean to be registered as an MBean.
        name - The object name of the MBean. May be null.
        An ObjectInstance, containing the ObjectName and the Java class name of the newly registered MBean. If the contained ObjectName is n, the contained Java class name is getMBeanInfo(n).getClassName().
        InstanceAlreadyExistsException - The MBean is already under the control of the MBean server.
        MBeanRegistrationException - The preRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean has thrown an exception. The MBean will not be registered.
        RuntimeMBeanException - If the postRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean throws a RuntimeException, the registerMBean method will throw a RuntimeMBeanException, although the MBean registration succeeded. In such a case, the MBean will be actually registered even though the registerMBean method threw an exception. Note that RuntimeMBeanException can also be thrown by preRegister, in which case the MBean will not be registered.
        RuntimeErrorException - If the postRegister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean throws an Error, the registerMBean method will throw a RuntimeErrorException, although the MBean registration succeeded. In such a case, the MBean will be actually registered even though the registerMBean method threw an exception. Note that RuntimeErrorException can also be thrown by preRegister, in which case the MBean will not be registered.
        NotCompliantMBeanException - This object is not a JMX compliant MBean
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The object passed in parameter is null or no object name is specified.
        See Also:
      • unregisterMBean

        void unregisterMBean(ObjectName name)
                             throws InstanceNotFoundException,
        Unregisters an MBean from the MBean server. The MBean is identified by its object name. Once the method has been invoked, the MBean may no longer be accessed by its object name.

        If this method successfully unregisters an MBean, a notification is sent as described above.

        Specified by:
        unregisterMBean in interface MBeanServerConnection
        name - The object name of the MBean to be unregistered.
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The object name in parameter is null or the MBean you are when trying to unregister is the MBeanServerDelegate MBean.
        RuntimeMBeanException - If the postDeregister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean throws a RuntimeException, the unregisterMBean method will throw a RuntimeMBeanException, although the MBean unregistration succeeded. In such a case, the MBean will be actually unregistered even though the unregisterMBean method threw an exception. Note that RuntimeMBeanException can also be thrown by preDeregister, in which case the MBean will remain registered.
        RuntimeErrorException - If the postDeregister (MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean throws an Error, the unregisterMBean method will throw a RuntimeErrorException, although the MBean unregistration succeeded. In such a case, the MBean will be actually unregistered even though the unregisterMBean method threw an exception. Note that RuntimeMBeanException can also be thrown by preDeregister, in which case the MBean will remain registered.
        InstanceNotFoundException - The MBean specified is not registered in the MBean server.
        MBeanRegistrationException - The preDeregister ((MBeanRegistration interface) method of the MBean has thrown an exception.
        See Also:
      • queryMBeans

        Set<ObjectInstance> queryMBeans(ObjectName name,
                                      QueryExp query)
        Gets MBeans controlled by the MBean server. This method allows any of the following to be obtained: All MBeans, a set of MBeans specified by pattern matching on the ObjectName and/or a Query expression, a specific MBean. When the object name is null or no domain and key properties are specified, all objects are to be selected (and filtered if a query is specified). It returns the set of ObjectInstance objects (containing the ObjectName and the Java Class name) for the selected MBeans.
        Specified by:
        queryMBeans in interface MBeanServerConnection
        name - The object name pattern identifying the MBeans to be retrieved. If null or no domain and key properties are specified, all the MBeans registered will be retrieved.
        query - The query expression to be applied for selecting MBeans. If null no query expression will be applied for selecting MBeans.
        A set containing the ObjectInstance objects for the selected MBeans. If no MBean satisfies the query an empty list is returned.
      • queryNames

        Set<ObjectName> queryNames(ObjectName name,
                                 QueryExp query)
        Gets the names of MBeans controlled by the MBean server. This method enables any of the following to be obtained: The names of all MBeans, the names of a set of MBeans specified by pattern matching on the ObjectName and/or a Query expression, a specific MBean name (equivalent to testing whether an MBean is registered). When the object name is null or no domain and key properties are specified, all objects are selected (and filtered if a query is specified). It returns the set of ObjectNames for the MBeans selected.
        Specified by:
        queryNames in interface MBeanServerConnection
        name - The object name pattern identifying the MBean names to be retrieved. If null or no domain and key properties are specified, the name of all registered MBeans will be retrieved.
        query - The query expression to be applied for selecting MBeans. If null no query expression will be applied for selecting MBeans.
        A set containing the ObjectNames for the MBeans selected. If no MBean satisfies the query, an empty list is returned.
      • isRegistered

        boolean isRegistered(ObjectName name)
        Description copied from interface: MBeanServerConnection
        Checks whether an MBean, identified by its object name, is already registered with the MBean server.
        Specified by:
        isRegistered in interface MBeanServerConnection
        name - The object name of the MBean to be checked.
        True if the MBean is already registered in the MBean server, false otherwise.
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The object name in parameter is null.
      • getMBeanCount

        Integer getMBeanCount()
        Returns the number of MBeans registered in the MBean server.
        Specified by:
        getMBeanCount in interface MBeanServerConnection
        the number of registered MBeans, wrapped in an Integer. If the caller's permissions are restricted, this number may be greater than the number of MBeans the caller can access.
      • getAttributes

        AttributeList getAttributes(ObjectName name,
                                  String[] attributes)
                                    throws InstanceNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: MBeanServerConnection

        Retrieves the values of several attributes of a named MBean. The MBean is identified by its object name.

        If one or more attributes cannot be retrieved for some reason, they will be omitted from the returned AttributeList. The caller should check that the list is the same size as the attributes array. To discover what problem prevented a given attribute from being retrieved, call getAttribute for that attribute.

        Here is an example of calling this method and checking that it succeeded in retrieving all the requested attributes:

         String[] attrNames = ...;
         AttributeList list = mbeanServerConnection.getAttributes(objectName, attrNames);
         if (list.size() == attrNames.length)
             System.out.println("All attributes were retrieved successfully");
         else {
             List<String> missing = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(attrNames));
             for (Attribute a : list.asList())
             System.out.println("Did not retrieve: " + missing);
        Specified by:
        getAttributes in interface MBeanServerConnection
        name - The object name of the MBean from which the attributes are retrieved.
        attributes - A list of the attributes to be retrieved.
        The list of the retrieved attributes.
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wrap a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The object name in parameter is null or attributes in parameter is null.
        InstanceNotFoundException - The MBean specified is not registered in the MBean server.
        ReflectionException - An exception occurred when trying to invoke the getAttributes method of a Dynamic MBean.
        See Also:
      • setAttributes

        AttributeList setAttributes(ObjectName name,
                                  AttributeList attributes)
                                    throws InstanceNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: MBeanServerConnection

        Sets the values of several attributes of a named MBean. The MBean is identified by its object name.

        If one or more attributes cannot be set for some reason, they will be omitted from the returned AttributeList. The caller should check that the input AttributeList is the same size as the output one. To discover what problem prevented a given attribute from being retrieved, it will usually be possible to call setAttribute for that attribute, although this is not guaranteed to work. (For example, the values of two attributes may have been rejected because they were inconsistent with each other. Setting one of them alone might be allowed.)

        Here is an example of calling this method and checking that it succeeded in setting all the requested attributes:

         AttributeList inputAttrs = ...;
         AttributeList outputAttrs = mbeanServerConnection.setAttributes(objectName, inputAttrs);
         if (inputAttrs.size() == outputAttrs.size())
             System.out.println("All attributes were set successfully");
         else {
             List<String> missing = new ArrayList<String>();
             for (Attribute a : inputAttrs.asList())
             for (Attribute a : outputAttrs.asList())
             System.out.println("Did not set: " + missing);
        Specified by:
        setAttributes in interface MBeanServerConnection
        name - The object name of the MBean within which the attributes are to be set.
        attributes - A list of attributes: The identification of the attributes to be set and the values they are to be set to.
        The list of attributes that were set, with their new values.
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The object name in parameter is null or attributes in parameter is null.
        InstanceNotFoundException - The MBean specified is not registered in the MBean server.
        ReflectionException - An exception occurred when trying to invoke the getAttributes method of a Dynamic MBean.
        See Also:
        MBeanServerConnection.getAttributes(, java.lang.String[])
      • invoke

        Object invoke(ObjectName name,
                    String operationName,
                    Object[] params,
                    String[] signature)
                      throws InstanceNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: MBeanServerConnection

        Invokes an operation on an MBean.

        Because of the need for a signature to differentiate possibly-overloaded operations, it is much simpler to invoke operations through an MBean proxy where possible. For example, suppose you have a Standard MBean interface like this:

         public interface FooMBean {
             public int countMatches(String[] patterns, boolean ignoreCase);

        The countMatches operation can be invoked as follows:

         String[] myPatterns = ...;
         int count = (Integer) mbeanServerConnection.invoke(
                 new Object[] {myPatterns, true},
                 new String[] {String[].class.getName(), boolean.class.getName()});

        Alternatively, it can be invoked through a proxy as follows:

         String[] myPatterns = ...;
         FooMBean fooProxy = JMX.newMBeanProxy(
                 mbeanServerConnection, objectName, FooMBean.class);
         int count = fooProxy.countMatches(myPatterns, true);
        Specified by:
        invoke in interface MBeanServerConnection
        name - The object name of the MBean on which the method is to be invoked.
        operationName - The name of the operation to be invoked.
        params - An array containing the parameters to be set when the operation is invoked
        signature - An array containing the signature of the operation, an array of class names in the format returned by Class.getName(). The class objects will be loaded using the same class loader as the one used for loading the MBean on which the operation was invoked.
        The object returned by the operation, which represents the result of invoking the operation on the MBean specified.
        InstanceNotFoundException - The MBean specified is not registered in the MBean server.
        MBeanException - Wraps an exception thrown by the MBean's invoked method.
        ReflectionException - Wraps a java.lang.Exception thrown while trying to invoke the method.
      • getDefaultDomain

        String getDefaultDomain()
        Description copied from interface: MBeanServerConnection
        Returns the default domain used for naming the MBean. The default domain name is used as the domain part in the ObjectName of MBeans if no domain is specified by the user.
        Specified by:
        getDefaultDomain in interface MBeanServerConnection
        the default domain.
      • getDomains

        String[] getDomains()
        Description copied from interface: MBeanServerConnection

        Returns the list of domains in which any MBean is currently registered. A string is in the returned array if and only if there is at least one MBean registered with an ObjectName whose getDomain() is equal to that string. The order of strings within the returned array is not defined.

        Specified by:
        getDomains in interface MBeanServerConnection
        the list of domains.
      • isInstanceOf

        boolean isInstanceOf(ObjectName name,
                           String className)
                             throws InstanceNotFoundException
        Description copied from interface: MBeanServerConnection

        Returns true if the MBean specified is an instance of the specified class, false otherwise.

        If name does not name an MBean, this method throws InstanceNotFoundException.

        Otherwise, let
        X be the MBean named by name,
        L be the ClassLoader of X,
        N be the class name in X's MBeanInfo.

        If N equals className, the result is true.

        Otherwise, if L successfully loads className and X is an instance of this class, the result is true.

        Otherwise, if L successfully loads both N and className, and the second class is assignable from the first, the result is true.

        Otherwise, the result is false.

        Specified by:
        isInstanceOf in interface MBeanServerConnection
        name - The ObjectName of the MBean.
        className - The name of the class.
        true if the MBean specified is an instance of the specified class according to the rules above, false otherwise.
        InstanceNotFoundException - The MBean specified is not registered in the MBean server.
        See Also:
      • instantiate

        Object instantiate(String className)
                           throws ReflectionException,

        Instantiates an object using the list of all class loaders registered in the MBean server's Class Loader Repository. The object's class should have a public constructor. This method returns a reference to the newly created object. The newly created object is not registered in the MBean server.

        This method is equivalent to instantiate(className, (Object[]) null, (String[]) null).

        className - The class name of the object to be instantiated.
        The newly instantiated object.
        ReflectionException - Wraps a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException or the java.lang.Exception that occurred when trying to invoke the object's constructor.
        MBeanException - The constructor of the object has thrown an exception
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The className passed in parameter is null.
      • instantiate

        Object instantiate(String className,
                         ObjectName loaderName)
                           throws ReflectionException,

        Instantiates an object using the class Loader specified by its ObjectName. If the loader name is null, the ClassLoader that loaded the MBean Server will be used. The object's class should have a public constructor. This method returns a reference to the newly created object. The newly created object is not registered in the MBean server.

        This method is equivalent to instantiate(className, loaderName, (Object[]) null, (String[]) null).

        className - The class name of the MBean to be instantiated.
        loaderName - The object name of the class loader to be used.
        The newly instantiated object.
        ReflectionException - Wraps a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException or the java.lang.Exception that occurred when trying to invoke the object's constructor.
        MBeanException - The constructor of the object has thrown an exception.
        InstanceNotFoundException - The specified class loader is not registered in the MBeanServer.
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The className passed in parameter is null.
      • instantiate

        Object instantiate(String className,
                         Object[] params,
                         String[] signature)
                           throws ReflectionException,

        Instantiates an object using the list of all class loaders registered in the MBean server Class Loader Repository. The object's class should have a public constructor. The call returns a reference to the newly created object. The newly created object is not registered in the MBean server.

        className - The class name of the object to be instantiated.
        params - An array containing the parameters of the constructor to be invoked.
        signature - An array containing the signature of the constructor to be invoked.
        The newly instantiated object.
        ReflectionException - Wraps a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException or the java.lang.Exception that occurred when trying to invoke the object's constructor.
        MBeanException - The constructor of the object has thrown an exception
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The className passed in parameter is null.
      • instantiate

        Object instantiate(String className,
                         ObjectName loaderName,
                         Object[] params,
                         String[] signature)
                           throws ReflectionException,

        Instantiates an object. The class loader to be used is identified by its object name. If the object name of the loader is null, the ClassLoader that loaded the MBean server will be used. The object's class should have a public constructor. The call returns a reference to the newly created object. The newly created object is not registered in the MBean server.

        className - The class name of the object to be instantiated.
        params - An array containing the parameters of the constructor to be invoked.
        signature - An array containing the signature of the constructor to be invoked.
        loaderName - The object name of the class loader to be used.
        The newly instantiated object.
        ReflectionException - Wraps a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException or the java.lang.Exception that occurred when trying to invoke the object's constructor.
        MBeanException - The constructor of the object has thrown an exception
        InstanceNotFoundException - The specified class loader is not registered in the MBean server.
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The className passed in parameter is null.
      • deserialize

        ObjectInputStream deserialize(String className,
                                               byte[] data)
                                      throws OperationsException,
        Deprecated. Use getClassLoaderRepository() to obtain the class loader repository and use it to deserialize.

        De-serializes a byte array in the context of a given MBean class loader. The class loader is found by loading the class className through the Class Loader Repository. The resultant class's class loader is the one to use.

        className - The name of the class whose class loader should be used for the de-serialization.
        data - The byte array to be de-sererialized.
        The de-serialized object stream.
        OperationsException - Any of the usual Input/Output related exceptions.
        ReflectionException - The specified class could not be loaded by the class loader repository
      • deserialize

        ObjectInputStream deserialize(String className,
                                               ObjectName loaderName,
                                               byte[] data)
                                      throws InstanceNotFoundException,
        Deprecated. Use getClassLoader to obtain the class loader for deserialization.

        De-serializes a byte array in the context of a given MBean class loader. The class loader is the one that loaded the class with name "className". The name of the class loader to be used for loading the specified class is specified. If null, the MBean Server's class loader will be used.

        className - The name of the class whose class loader should be used for the de-serialization.
        data - The byte array to be de-sererialized.
        loaderName - The name of the class loader to be used for loading the specified class. If null, the MBean Server's class loader will be used.
        The de-serialized object stream.
        InstanceNotFoundException - The specified class loader MBean is not found.
        OperationsException - Any of the usual Input/Output related exceptions.
        ReflectionException - The specified class could not be loaded by the specified class loader.
      • getClassLoaderFor

        ClassLoader getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName mbeanName)
                                      throws InstanceNotFoundException

        Return the ClassLoader that was used for loading the class of the named MBean.

        mbeanName - The ObjectName of the MBean.
        The ClassLoader used for that MBean. If l is the MBean's actual ClassLoader, and r is the returned value, then either: What this means is that the ClassLoader may be wrapped in another ClassLoader for security or other reasons.
        InstanceNotFoundException - if the named MBean is not found.
      • getClassLoader

        ClassLoader getClassLoader(ObjectName loaderName)
                                   throws InstanceNotFoundException

        Return the named ClassLoader.

        loaderName - The ObjectName of the ClassLoader. May be null, in which case the MBean server's own ClassLoader is returned.
        The named ClassLoader. If l is the actual ClassLoader with that name, and r is the returned value, then either: What this means is that the ClassLoader may be wrapped in another ClassLoader for security or other reasons.
        InstanceNotFoundException - if the named ClassLoader is not found.
      • getClassLoaderRepository

        ClassLoaderRepository getClassLoaderRepository()

        Return the ClassLoaderRepository for this MBeanServer.

        The ClassLoaderRepository for this MBeanServer.

Document created the 11/06/2005, last modified the 04/03/2020
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