Les couleurs
Les noms des couleurs
Voici quelques noms de couleurs, et les valeurs associées...
# | Nom et couleur | Code hexadécimal | Rouge | Vert | Bleu |
# | Nom et couleur | Code hexadécimal | Rouge | Vert | Bleu |
2 | GhostWhite | #f8f8ff | 248 | 248 | 255 |
3 | WhiteSmoke | #f5f5f5 | 245 | 245 | 245 |
4 | Gainsboro | #dcdcdc | 220 | 220 | 220 |
5 | White | #ffffff | 255 | 255 | 255 |
6 | Black | #000000 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | DimGray | #696969 | 105 | 105 | 105 |
8 | LightGray | #d3d3d3 | 211 | 211 | 211 |
9 | Gray | #bebebe | 190 | 190 | 190 |
10 | Gray11 | #1c1c1c | 28 | 28 | 28 |
11 | Gray21 | #363636 | 54 | 54 | 54 |
12 | Gray31 | #4f4f4f | 79 | 79 | 79 |
13 | Gray41 | #696969 | 105 | 105 | 105 |
14 | Gray51 | #828282 | 130 | 130 | 130 |
15 | Gray61 | #9c9c9c | 156 | 156 | 156 |
16 | Gray71 | #b5b5b5 | 181 | 181 | 181 |
17 | Gray81 | #cfcfcf | 207 | 207 | 207 |
18 | Gray91 | #e8e8e8 | 232 | 232 | 232 |
19 | DarkGray | #a9a9a9 | 169 | 169 | 169 |
20 | LightSlateGray | #778899 | 119 | 136 | 153 |
21 | SlateGray | #708090 | 112 | 128 | 144 |
22 | SlateGray1 | #c6e2ff | 198 | 226 | 255 |
23 | SlateGray2 | #b9d3ee | 185 | 211 | 238 |
24 | SlateGray3 | #9fb6cd | 159 | 182 | 205 |
25 | SlateGray4 | #6c7b8b | 108 | 123 | 139 |
26 | DarkSlateGray | #2f4f4f | 47 | 79 | 79 |
27 | DarkSlateGray1 | #97ffff | 151 | 255 | 255 |
28 | DarkSlateGray2 | #8deeee | 141 | 238 | 238 |
29 | DarkSlateGray3 | #79cdcd | 121 | 205 | 205 |
30 | DarkSlateGray4 | #528b8b | 82 | 139 | 139 |
31 | PaleGoldenrod | #eee8aa | 238 | 232 | 170 |
32 | FloralWhite | #fffaf0 | 255 | 250 | 240 |
33 | LightGoldenrodYellow | #fafad2 | 250 | 250 | 210 |
34 | SaddleBrown | #8b4513 | 139 | 69 | 19 |
35 | Sienna | #a0522d | 160 | 82 | 45 |
36 | OldLace | #fdf5e6 | 253 | 245 | 230 |
37 | Linen | #faf0e6 | 250 | 240 | 230 |
38 | PapayaWhip | #ffefd5 | 255 | 239 | 213 |
39 | BlanchedAlmond | #ffebcd | 255 | 235 | 205 |
40 | Moccasin | #ffe4b5 | 255 | 228 | 181 |
41 | Peru | #cd853f | 205 | 133 | 63 |
42 | Beige | #f5f5dc | 245 | 245 | 220 |
43 | SandyBrown | #f4a460 | 244 | 164 | 96 |
44 | Snow1 | #fffafa | 255 | 250 | 250 |
45 | Snow2 | #eee9e9 | 238 | 233 | 233 |
46 | Snow3 | #cdc9c9 | 205 | 201 | 201 |
47 | Snow4 | #8b8989 | 139 | 137 | 137 |
48 | Seashell1 | #fff5ee | 255 | 245 | 238 |
49 | Seashell2 | #eee5de | 238 | 229 | 222 |
50 | Seashell3 | #cdc5bf | 205 | 197 | 191 |
51 | Seashell4 | #8b8682 | 139 | 134 | 130 |
52 | AntiqueWhite | #faebd7 | 250 | 235 | 215 |
53 | AntiqueWhite1 | #ffefdb | 255 | 239 | 219 |
54 | AntiqueWhite2 | #eedfcc | 238 | 223 | 204 |
55 | AntiqueWhite3 | #cdc0b0 | 205 | 192 | 176 |
56 | AntiqueWhite4 | #8b8378 | 139 | 131 | 120 |
57 | Bisque1 | #ffe4c4 | 255 | 228 | 196 |
58 | Bisque2 | #eed5b7 | 238 | 213 | 183 |
59 | Bisque3 | #cdb79e | 205 | 183 | 158 |
60 | Bisque4 | #8b7d6b | 139 | 125 | 107 |
61 | PeachPuff1 | #ffdab9 | 255 | 218 | 185 |
62 | PeachPuff2 | #eecbad | 238 | 203 | 173 |
63 | PeachPuff3 | #cdaf95 | 205 | 175 | 149 |
64 | PeachPuff4 | #8b7765 | 139 | 119 | 101 |
65 | NavajoWhite1 | #ffdead | 255 | 222 | 173 |
66 | NavajoWhite2 | #eecfa1 | 238 | 207 | 161 |
67 | NavajoWhite3 | #cdb38b | 205 | 179 | 139 |
68 | NavajoWhite4 | #8b795e | 139 | 121 | 94 |
69 | LemonChiffon1 | #fffacd | 255 | 250 | 205 |
70 | LemonChiffon2 | #eee9bf | 238 | 233 | 191 |
71 | LemonChiffon3 | #cdc9a5 | 205 | 201 | 165 |
72 | LemonChiffon4 | #8b8970 | 139 | 137 | 112 |
73 | Cornsilk1 | #fff8dc | 255 | 248 | 220 |
74 | Cornsilk2 | #eee8cd | 238 | 232 | 205 |
75 | Cornsilk3 | #cdc8b1 | 205 | 200 | 177 |
76 | Cornsilk4 | #8b8878 | 139 | 136 | 120 |
77 | Ivory1 | #fffff0 | 255 | 255 | 240 |
78 | Ivory2 | #eeeee0 | 238 | 238 | 224 |
79 | Ivory3 | #cdcdc1 | 205 | 205 | 193 |
80 | Ivory4 | #8b8b83 | 139 | 139 | 131 |
81 | MintCream | #f5fffa | 245 | 255 | 250 |
82 | Honeydew1 | #f0fff0 | 240 | 255 | 240 |
83 | Honeydew2 | #e0eee0 | 224 | 238 | 224 |
84 | Honeydew3 | #c1cdc1 | 193 | 205 | 193 |
85 | Honeydew4 | #838b83 | 131 | 139 | 131 |
86 | LavenderBlush1 | #fff0f5 | 255 | 240 | 245 |
87 | LavenderBlush2 | #eee0e5 | 238 | 224 | 229 |
88 | LavenderBlush3 | #cdc1c5 | 205 | 193 | 197 |
89 | LavenderBlush4 | #8b8386 | 139 | 131 | 134 |
90 | Lavender | #e6e6fa | 230 | 230 | 250 |
91 | MistyRose1 | #ffe4e1 | 255 | 228 | 225 |
92 | MistyRose2 | #eed5d2 | 238 | 213 | 210 |
93 | MistyRose3 | #cdb7b5 | 205 | 183 | 181 |
94 | MistyRose4 | #8b7d7b | 139 | 125 | 123 |
95 | Azure1 | #f0ffff | 240 | 255 | 255 |
96 | Azure2 | #e0eeee | 224 | 238 | 238 |
97 | Azure3 | #c1cdcd | 193 | 205 | 205 |
98 | Azure4 | #838b8b | 131 | 139 | 139 |
99 | AliceBlue | #f0f8ff | 240 | 248 | 255 |
100 | LightSlateBlue | #8470ff | 132 | 112 | 255 |
101 | MediumSlateBlue | #7b68ee | 123 | 104 | 238 |
102 | SlateBlue | #6a5acd | 106 | 90 | 205 |
103 | SlateBlue1 | #836fff | 131 | 111 | 255 |
104 | SlateBlue2 | #7a67ee | 122 | 103 | 238 |
105 | SlateBlue3 | #6959cd | 105 | 89 | 205 |
106 | SlateBlue4 | #473c8b | 71 | 60 | 139 |
107 | DarkSlateBlue | #483d8b | 72 | 61 | 139 |
108 | RoyalBlue | #4169e1 | 65 | 105 | 225 |
109 | RoyalBlue1 | #4876ff | 72 | 118 | 255 |
110 | RoyalBlue2 | #436eee | 67 | 110 | 238 |
111 | RoyalBlue3 | #3a5fcd | 58 | 95 | 205 |
112 | RoyalBlue4 | #27408b | 39 | 64 | 139 |
113 | Blue1 | #0000ff | 0 | 0 | 255 |
114 | Blue2 | #0000ee | 0 | 0 | 238 |
115 | DarkBlue | #00008b | 0 | 0 | 139 |
116 | NavyBlue | #000080 | 0 | 0 | 128 |
117 | MidnightBlue | #191970 | 25 | 25 | 112 |
118 | CornflowerBlue | #6495ed | 100 | 149 | 237 |
119 | MediumBlue | #0000cd | 0 | 0 | 205 |
120 | PowderBlue | #b0e0e6 | 176 | 224 | 230 |
121 | DodgerBlue1 | #1e90ff | 30 | 144 | 255 |
122 | DodgerBlue2 | #1c86ee | 28 | 134 | 238 |
123 | DodgerBlue3 | #1874cd | 24 | 116 | 205 |
124 | DodgerBlue4 | #104e8b | 16 | 78 | 139 |
125 | SteelBlue | #4682b4 | 70 | 130 | 180 |
126 | SteelBlue1 | #63b8ff | 99 | 184 | 255 |
127 | SteelBlue2 | #5cacee | 92 | 172 | 238 |
128 | SteelBlue3 | #4f94cd | 79 | 148 | 205 |
129 | SteelBlue4 | #36648b | 54 | 100 | 139 |
130 | DeepSkyBlue1 | #00bfff | 0 | 191 | 255 |
131 | DeepSkyBlue2 | #00b2ee | 0 | 178 | 238 |
132 | DeepSkyBlue3 | #009acd | 0 | 154 | 205 |
133 | DeepSkyBlue4 | #00688b | 0 | 104 | 139 |
134 | SkyBlue | #87ceeb | 135 | 206 | 235 |
135 | SkyBlue1 | #87ceff | 135 | 206 | 255 |
136 | SkyBlue2 | #7ec0ee | 126 | 192 | 238 |
137 | SkyBlue3 | #6ca6cd | 108 | 166 | 205 |
138 | SkyBlue4 | #4a708b | 74 | 112 | 139 |
139 | LightSkyBlue | #87cefa | 135 | 206 | 250 |
140 | LightSkyBlue1 | #b0e2ff | 176 | 226 | 255 |
141 | LightSkyBlue2 | #a4d3ee | 164 | 211 | 238 |
142 | LightSkyBlue3 | #8db6cd | 141 | 182 | 205 |
143 | LightSkyBlue4 | #607b8b | 96 | 123 | 139 |
144 | LightSteelBlue | #b0c4de | 176 | 196 | 222 |
145 | LightSteelBlue1 | #cae1ff | 202 | 225 | 255 |
146 | LightSteelBlue2 | #bcd2ee | 188 | 210 | 238 |
147 | LightSteelBlue3 | #a2b5cd | 162 | 181 | 205 |
148 | LightSteelBlue4 | #6e7b8b | 110 | 123 | 139 |
149 | LightBlue | #add8e6 | 173 | 216 | 230 |
150 | LightBlue1 | #bfefff | 191 | 239 | 255 |
151 | LightBlue2 | #b2dfee | 178 | 223 | 238 |
152 | LightBlue3 | #9ac0cd | 154 | 192 | 205 |
153 | LightBlue4 | #68838b | 104 | 131 | 139 |
154 | LightCyan1 | #e0ffff | 224 | 255 | 255 |
155 | LightCyan2 | #d1eeee | 209 | 238 | 238 |
156 | LightCyan3 | #b4cdcd | 180 | 205 | 205 |
157 | LightCyan4 | #7a8b8b | 122 | 139 | 139 |
158 | CadetBlue | #5f9ea0 | 95 | 158 | 160 |
159 | CadetBlue1 | #98f5ff | 152 | 245 | 255 |
160 | CadetBlue2 | #8ee5ee | 142 | 229 | 238 |
161 | CadetBlue3 | #7ac5cd | 122 | 197 | 205 |
162 | CadetBlue4 | #53868b | 83 | 134 | 139 |
163 | PaleTurquoise | #afeeee | 175 | 238 | 238 |
164 | PaleTurquoise1 | #bbffff | 187 | 255 | 255 |
165 | PaleTurquoise2 | #aeeeee | 174 | 238 | 238 |
166 | PaleTurquoise3 | #96cdcd | 150 | 205 | 205 |
167 | PaleTurquoise4 | #668b8b | 102 | 139 | 139 |
168 | MediumTurquoise | #48d1cc | 72 | 209 | 204 |
169 | DarkTurquoise | #00ced1 | 0 | 206 | 209 |
170 | Turquoise | #40e0d0 | 64 | 224 | 208 |
171 | Turquoise1 | #00f5ff | 0 | 245 | 255 |
172 | Turquoise2 | #00e5ee | 0 | 229 | 238 |
173 | Turquoise3 | #00c5cd | 0 | 197 | 205 |
174 | Turquoise4 | #00868b | 0 | 134 | 139 |
175 | Cyan1 | #00ffff | 0 | 255 | 255 |
176 | Cyan2 | #00eeee | 0 | 238 | 238 |
177 | Cyan3 | #00cdcd | 0 | 205 | 205 |
178 | DarkCyan | #008b8b | 0 | 139 | 139 |
179 | Aquamarine1 | #7fffd4 | 127 | 255 | 212 |
180 | Aquamarine2 | #76eec6 | 118 | 238 | 198 |
181 | Aquamarine3 | #66cdaa | 102 | 205 | 170 |
182 | Aquamarine4 | #458b74 | 69 | 139 | 116 |
183 | DarkSeaGreen | #8fbc8f | 143 | 188 | 143 |
184 | DarkSeaGreen1 | #c1ffc1 | 193 | 255 | 193 |
185 | DarkSeaGreen2 | #b4eeb4 | 180 | 238 | 180 |
186 | DarkSeaGreen3 | #9bcd9b | 155 | 205 | 155 |
187 | DarkSeaGreen4 | #698b69 | 105 | 139 | 105 |
188 | SeaGreen | #2e8b57 | 46 | 139 | 87 |
189 | SeaGreen1 | #54ff9f | 84 | 255 | 159 |
190 | SeaGreen2 | #4eee94 | 78 | 238 | 148 |
191 | SeaGreen3 | #43cd80 | 67 | 205 | 128 |
192 | PaleGreen | #98fb98 | 152 | 251 | 152 |
193 | PaleGreen1 | #9aff9a | 154 | 255 | 154 |
194 | PaleGreen2 | #90ee90 | 144 | 238 | 144 |
195 | PaleGreen3 | #7ccd7c | 124 | 205 | 124 |
196 | PaleGreen4 | #548b54 | 84 | 139 | 84 |
197 | SpringGreen1 | #00ff7f | 0 | 255 | 127 |
198 | SpringGreen2 | #00ee76 | 0 | 238 | 118 |
199 | SpringGreen3 | #00cd66 | 0 | 205 | 102 |
200 | SpringGreen4 | #008b45 | 0 | 139 | 69 |
201 | Green1 | #00ff00 | 0 | 255 | 0 |
202 | Green2 | #00ee00 | 0 | 238 | 0 |
203 | Green3 | #00cd00 | 0 | 205 | 0 |
204 | Green4 | #008b00 | 0 | 139 | 0 |
English translation
You have asked to visit this site in English. For now, only the interface is translated, but not all the content yet.If you want to help me in translations, your contribution is welcome. All you need to do is register on the site, and send me a message asking me to add you to the group of translators, which will give you the opportunity to translate the pages you want. A link at the bottom of each translated page indicates that you are the translator, and has a link to your profile.
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Document created the 19/03/2002, last modified the 26/10/2018
Source of the printed document:https://www.gaudry.be/en//html-couleurs.html
The infobrol is a personal site whose content is my sole responsibility. The text is available under CreativeCommons license (BY-NC-SA). More info on the terms of use and the author.
Useful links
La vision des couleurs : Informations à propos de la couleur
ColorDB : Outil en ligne, sélecteur
Color Scheme Designer 3 : Outil en ligne, sélecteur
CSS Color Editor : Outil en ligne, édition de CSS
Toucan : Outil en ligne, palettes, mais aussi afficher les différentes perceptions telles que protanopy, protanomaly, deutéranopy, deutéranomaly, tritanopy, tritanomaly, achromatopsy ou achromatomaly
Kuler : Outil en ligne, créer une palette de couleur, nuancier (analogique, monochromatique, triade, complémentaire)
Color Suckr : Outil en ligne, génère une palette en fonction du profil chromatique d'une image
Colour Lovers : Outil en ligne, tendances
ColorSchemer : Outil en ligne, ColorSchemer Studio 2 et ColorSchemer ColorPix
Daily Color Scheme : Outil en ligne, permet une exportation de la palette vers Photoshop, Illustrator, CSS, HTML, ZIP