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Rechercher une fonction PHP

Vordefinierte Konstanten

Folgende Konstanten werden von dieser Erweiterung definiert und stehen nur zur Verfügung, wenn die Erweiterung entweder statisch in PHP kompiliert oder dynamisch zur Laufzeit geladen wurde.

Forces sqlsrv_fetch_array() to return an associative array when passed as a parameter.
Forces sqlsrv_fetch_array() to return an array with numeric when passed as a parameter.
Forces sqlsrv_fetch_array() to return an array with both associative and numeric keys when passed as a parameter (the default behavior).
SQLSRV_ERR_ALL (integer)
Forces sqlsrv_errors() to return both errors and warings when passed as a parameter (the default behavior).
Forces sqlsrv_errors() to return errors only (no warnings) when passed as a parameter.
Forces sqlsrv_errors() to return warnings only (no errors) when passed as a parameter.
Turns on logging of all subsystems when passed to sqlsrv_configure() as a parameter.
Turns on logging of connection activity when passed to sqlsrv_configure() as a parameter.
Turns on logging of initialization activity when passed to sqlsrv_configure() as a parameter.
Turns off logging of all subsystems when passed to sqlsrv_configure() as a parameter.
Turns on logging of statement activity when passed to sqlsrv_configure() as a parameter.
Turns on logging of error function activity when passed to sqlsrv_configure() as a parameter.
Specifies that errors, warnings, and notices will be logged when passed to sqlsrv_configure() as a parameter.
Specifies that errors will be logged when passed to sqlsrv_configure() as a parameter.
Specifies that notices will be logged when passed to sqlsrv_configure() as a parameter.
Specifies that warnings will be logged when passed to sqlsrv_configure() as a parameter.
Indicates that a column is nullable.
Indicates that a column is not nullable.
Indicates that it is not known if a column is nullable.
Indicates an input parameter when passed to sqlsrv_query() or sqlsrv_prepare().
Indicates a bidirectional parameter when passed to sqlsrv_query() or sqlsrv_prepare().
Indicates an output parameter when passed to sqlsrv_query() or sqlsrv_prepare().
Specifies an integer PHP data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify PHP Types.
Specifies a datetime PHP data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify PHP Types.
Specifies a float PHP data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify PHP Types.
Specifies a PHP stream. This constant works like a function and accepts an encoding constant. See the SQLSRV_ENC_* constants. For usage information, see » How to: Specify PHP Types.
Specifies a string PHP data type. This constant works like a function and accepts an encoding constant. See the SQLSRV_ENC_* constants. For usage information, see » How to: Specify PHP Types.
Specifies that data is returned as a raw byte stream from the server without performing encoding or translation. For usage information, see » How to: Specify PHP Types.
Data is returned in 8-bit characters as specified in the code page of the Windows locale that is set on the system. Any multi-byte characters or characters that do not map into this code page are substituted with a single byte question mark (?) character. This is the default encoding. For usage information, see » How to: Specify PHP Types.
UTF-8 (integer)
Specifies that data is returned with UTF-8 encoding. For usage information, see » How to: Specify PHP Types.
Describes the bigint SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the binary SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the bit SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the char SQL Server data type. This constant works like a function and accepts a parameter indicating the number characters. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the date SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the datetime SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the datetime2 SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the datetimeoffset SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the decimal SQL Server data type. This constant works like a function and accepts two parameters indicating (in order) precision and scale. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the float SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the image SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the int SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the money SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the nchar SQL Server data type. This constant works like a function and accepts a single parameter indicating the character count. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the numeric SQL Server data type. This constant works like a function and accepts two parameter indicating (in order) precision and scale. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the nvarchar SQL Server data type. This constant works like a function and accepts a single parameter indicating the character count. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the nvarchar(MAX) SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the ntext SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the real SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the smalldatetime SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the smallint SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the smallmoney SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the text SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the time SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the timestamp SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the tinyint SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the uniqueidentifier SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the UDT SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the varbinary SQL Server data type. This constant works like a function and accepts a single parameter indicating the byte count. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the varbinary(MAX) SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the varchar SQL Server data type. This constant works like a function and accepts a single parameter indicating the character count. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the varchar(MAX) SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Describes the XML SQL Server data type. For usage information, see » How to: Specify SQL Types.
Indicates a transaction isolation level of READ UNCOMMITTED. This value is used to set the TransactionIsolation level in the $connectionOptions array passed to sqlsrv_connect().
Indicates a transaction isolation level of READ COMMITTED. This value is used to set the TransactionIsolation level in the $connectionOptions array passed to sqlsrv_connect().
Indicates a transaction isolation level of REPEATABLE READ. This value is used to set the TransactionIsolation level in the $connectionOptions array passed to sqlsrv_connect().
Indicates a transaction isolation level of SNAPSHOT. This value is used to set the TransactionIsolation level in the $connectionOptions array passed to sqlsrv_connect().
Indicates a transaction isolation level of SERIALIZABLE. This value is used to set the TransactionIsolation level in the $connectionOptions array passed to sqlsrv_connect().
Indicates a forward-only cursor. For usage information, see » Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
Indicates a static cursor. For usage information, see » Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
Indicates a dynamic cursor. For usage information, see » Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
Indicates a keyset cursor. For usage information, see » Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
Creates a client-side cursor query. Lets you access rows in any order. For usage information, see » Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
Specifies which row to select in a result set. For usage information, see » Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
Specifies which row to select in a result set. For usage information, see » Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
Specifies which row to select in a result set. For usage information, see » Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
Specifies which row to select in a result set. For usage information, see » Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
Specifies which row to select in a result set. For usage information, see » Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
Specifies which row to select in a result set. For usage information, see » Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.

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Dokument erstellt 30/01/2003, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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