List of core configure options
Below is a partial list of configure options used by the PHP configure scripts when compiling in Unix-like environments. Most configure options are listed in their appropriate locations on the extension reference pages and not here. For a complete up-to-date list of configure options, run ./configure --help in your PHP source directory after running autoconf (see also the Installation chapter). You may also be interested in reading the » GNU configure documentation for information on additional configure options such as --prefix=PREFIX.
These are only used at compile time. If you want to alter PHP's runtime configuration, please see the chapter on Runtime Configuration.
Configure Options in PHP
Misc options
- --enable-debug
Compile with debugging symbols.
- --with-layout=TYPE
Sets how installed files will be laid out. Type is one of PHP (default) or GNU.
- --with-pear=DIR
Install PEAR in DIR (default PREFIX/lib/php).
- --without-pear
Do not install PEAR.
- --enable-sigchild
Enable PHP's own SIGCHLD handler.
- --disable-rpath
Disable passing additional runtime library search paths.
- --enable-libgcc
Enable explicitly linking against libgcc.
- --enable-php-streams
Include experimental PHP streams. Do not use unless you are testing the code!
- --with-zlib-dir[=DIR]
Define the location of zlib install directory.
- --with-tsrm-pthreads
Use POSIX threads (default).
Build shared libraries [default=yes].
- --enable-static[=PKGS]
Build static libraries [default=yes].
- --enable-fast-install[=PKGS]
Optimize for fast installation [default=yes].
- --with-gnu-ld
Assume the C compiler uses GNU ld [default=no].
- --disable-libtool-lock
Avoid locking (might break parallel builds).
- --with-pic
Try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects [default=use both].
- --enable-memory-limit
Compile with memory limit support. (not available since PHP 5.2.1 - always enabled)
- --disable-url-fopen-wrapper
Disable the URL-aware fopen wrapper that allows accessing files via HTTP or FTP. (not available since PHP 5.2.5)
- --enable-versioning
Export only required symbols. See INSTALL for more information.
PHP Optionen
- --enable-maintainer-mode
Aktiviert Makefile-Regeln und Abhängigkeiten, die für den gewöhnlichen Anwender nicht nützlich (und manchmal auch verwirrend) sind.
- --with-config-file-path=PATH
Setzt den Pfad in dem nach php.ini gesucht wird; Vorgabewert ist PREFIX/lib.
- --enable-safe-mode
Der "safe mode" wird standardmäßig aktiviert.
WarnungDieses Feature wurde in PHP 5.3.0 als DEPRECATED (veraltet) markiert und ist seit PHP 5.4.0 ENTFERNT (entfernt).
- --with-exec-dir[=DIR]
Im "safe mode" dürfen nur ausführbare Dateien aus dem hier angegebenen Verzeichnis ausgeführt werden. Vorgabewert ist /usr/local/php/bin.
WarnungDieses Feature wurde in PHP 5.3.0 als DEPRECATED (veraltet) markiert und ist seit PHP 5.4.0 ENTFERNT (entfernt).
- --enable-magic-quotes
"Magic quotes" werden standardmäßig aktiviert.
WarnungDieses Feature wurde in PHP 5.3.0 als DEPRECATED (veraltet) markiert und ist seit PHP 5.4.0 ENTFERNT (entfernt).
Die Tag-Kurzform <? wird standardmäßig deaktiviert.
- --enable-zend-multibyte
Aktiviert die Ausführung von Multibyte-Code im Sprach-Parser und -Scanner. Wird PHP mit dieser Option kompiliert, wird ebenfalls die Direktive encoding im declare-Konstrukt aktiviert.
WarnungDieses Feature wurde in PHP 5.3.0 als DEPRECATED (veraltet) markiert und ist seit PHP 5.4.0 ENTFERNT (entfernt).
- --with-libdir
Gibt das Verzeichnis an, in dem die für die Kompilierung von PHP erforderlichen Bibliotheken auf einem Unix-Sytem zu finden sind. Für 64-bit Systeme ist es erforderlich, dieses Argument wie folgt auf das lib64 zu setzen: --with-libdir=lib64.
SAPI options
The following list contains the available SAPI&s (Server Application Programming Interface) for PHP.
- --with-aolserver=DIR
Specify path to the installed AOLserver.
- --with-apxs[=FILE]
Build shared Apache module. FILE is the optional pathname to the Apache apxs tool; defaults to apxs. Make sure you specify the version of apxs that is actually installed on your system and NOT the one that is in the apache source tarball.
- --with-apache[=DIR]
Build a static Apache module. DIR is the top-level Apache build directory, defaults to /usr/local/apache.
- --with-mod_charset
Enable transfer tables for mod_charset (Russian Apache).
- --with-apxs2[=FILE]
Build shared Apache 2.0 module. FILE is the optional pathname to the Apache apxs tool; defaults to apxs.
- --with-caudium=DIR
Build PHP as a Pike module for use with Caudium. DIR is the Caudium server dir, with the default value /usr/local/caudium/server.
- --disable-cli
Disable building the CLI version of PHP (this forces --without-pear). More information is available in the section about Using PHP from the command line.
- --enable-phpdbg
Enable phpdbg interactive debugger SAPI module support in PHP 5.6.x or later.
- --enable-embed[=TYPE]
Enable building of the embedded SAPI library. TYPE is either shared or static, which defaults to shared.
- --with-isapi=DIR
Build PHP as an ISAPI module for use with Zeus.
- --with-nsapi=DIR
Specify path to the installed Netscape/iPlanet/SunONE Webserver.
- --with-phttpd=DIR
No information yet.
- --with-pi3web=DIR
Build PHP as a module for use with Pi3Web.
- --with-roxen=DIR
Build PHP as a Pike module. DIR is the base Roxen directory, normally /usr/local/roxen/server.
- --enable-roxen-zts
Build the Roxen module using Zend Thread Safety.
- --with-servlet[=DIR]
Include servlet support. DIR is the base install directory for the JSDK. This SAPI requires the java extension must be built as a shared dl.
- --with-thttpd=SRCDIR
Build PHP as thttpd module.
- --with-tux=MODULEDIR
Build PHP as a TUX module (Linux only).
- --with-webjames=SRCDIR
Build PHP as a WebJames module (RISC OS only)
- --disable-cgi
Disable building CGI version of PHP.
As of PHP 5.3.0 this argument enables FastCGI which previously had to be enabled using --enable-fastcgi.
- --enable-force-cgi-redirect
Enable the security check for internal server redirects. You should use this if you are running the CGI version with Apache.
As of PHP 5.3.0 this argument is enabled by default and no longer exists. To disable this, the cgi.force_redirect ini directive should be set to 0.
- --enable-discard-path
If this is enabled, the PHP CGI binary can safely be placed outside of the web tree and people will not be able to circumvent .htaccess security.
As of PHP 5.3.0 this argument is disabled by default and no longer exists. To enable this feature the cgi.discard_path ini directive must be set to 1.
- --enable-fastcgi
If this is enabled, the CGI module will be built with support for FastCGI also.
As of PHP 5.3.0 this argument no longer exists and is enabled by --enable-cgi instead.
- --disable-path-info-check
If this is disabled, paths such as /info.php/test?a=b will fail to work. For more information see the » Apache Manual.
As of PHP 5.3.0 this argument is enabled by default and no longer exists. To disable this feature the cgi.fix_pathinfo ini directive must be set to 0.
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Dokument erstellt 30/01/2003, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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