The CairoContext class
(PECL cairo >= 0.1.0)
Context is the main object used when drawing with cairo. To draw with cairo, you create a CairoContext, set the target CairoSurface, and drawing options for the CairoContext, create shapes with functions . like CairoContext::moveTo() and CairoContext::lineTo(), and then draw shapes with CairoContext::stroke() or CairoContext::fill(). Contexts can be pushed to a stack via CairoContext::save(). They may then safely be changed, without losing the current state. Use CairoContext::restore() to restore to the saved state.
- CairoContext::appendPath — Appends a path to current path
- CairoContext::arc — Adds a circular arc
- CairoContext::arcNegative — Adds a negative arc
- CairoContext::clip — Establishes a new clip region
- CairoContext::clipExtents — Computes the area inside the current clip
- CairoContext::clipPreserve — Establishes a new clip region from the current clip
- CairoContext::clipRectangleList — Retrieves the current clip as a list of rectangles
- CairoContext::closePath — Closes the current path
- CairoContext::__construct — Creates a new CairoContext
- CairoContext::copyPage — Emits the current page
- CairoContext::copyPath — Creates a copy of the current path
- CairoContext::copyPathFlat — Gets a flattened copy of the current path
- CairoContext::curveTo — Adds a curve
- CairoContext::deviceToUser — Transform a coordinate
- CairoContext::deviceToUserDistance — Transform a distance
- CairoContext::fill — Fills the current path
- CairoContext::fillExtents — Computes the filled area
- CairoContext::fillPreserve — Fills and preserve the current path
- CairoContext::fontExtents — Get the font extents
- CairoContext::getAntialias — Retrieves the current antialias mode
- CairoContext::getCurrentPoint — The getCurrentPoint purpose
- CairoContext::getDash — The getDash purpose
- CairoContext::getDashCount — The getDashCount purpose
- CairoContext::getFillRule — The getFillRule purpose
- CairoContext::getFontFace — The getFontFace purpose
- CairoContext::getFontMatrix — The getFontMatrix purpose
- CairoContext::getFontOptions — The getFontOptions purpose
- CairoContext::getGroupTarget — The getGroupTarget purpose
- CairoContext::getLineCap — The getLineCap purpose
- CairoContext::getLineJoin — The getLineJoin purpose
- CairoContext::getLineWidth — The getLineWidth purpose
- CairoContext::getMatrix — The getMatrix purpose
- CairoContext::getMiterLimit — The getMiterLimit purpose
- CairoContext::getOperator — The getOperator purpose
- CairoContext::getScaledFont — The getScaledFont purpose
- CairoContext::getSource — The getSource purpose
- CairoContext::getTarget — The getTarget purpose
- CairoContext::getTolerance — The getTolerance purpose
- CairoContext::glyphPath — The glyphPath purpose
- CairoContext::hasCurrentPoint — The hasCurrentPoint purpose
- CairoContext::identityMatrix — The identityMatrix purpose
- CairoContext::inFill — The inFill purpose
- CairoContext::inStroke — The inStroke purpose
- CairoContext::lineTo — The lineTo purpose
- CairoContext::mask — The mask purpose
- CairoContext::maskSurface — The maskSurface purpose
- CairoContext::moveTo — The moveTo purpose
- CairoContext::newPath — The newPath purpose
- CairoContext::newSubPath — The newSubPath purpose
- CairoContext::paint — The paint purpose
- CairoContext::paintWithAlpha — The paintWithAlpha purpose
- CairoContext::pathExtents — The pathExtents purpose
- CairoContext::popGroup — The popGroup purpose
- CairoContext::popGroupToSource — The popGroupToSource purpose
- CairoContext::pushGroup — The pushGroup purpose
- CairoContext::pushGroupWithContent — The pushGroupWithContent purpose
- CairoContext::rectangle — The rectangle purpose
- CairoContext::relCurveTo — The relCurveTo purpose
- CairoContext::relLineTo — The relLineTo purpose
- CairoContext::relMoveTo — The relMoveTo purpose
- CairoContext::resetClip — The resetClip purpose
- CairoContext::restore — The restore purpose
- CairoContext::rotate — The rotate purpose
- CairoContext::save — The save purpose
- CairoContext::scale — The scale purpose
- CairoContext::selectFontFace — The selectFontFace purpose
- CairoContext::setAntialias — The setAntialias purpose
- CairoContext::setDash — The setDash purpose
- CairoContext::setFillRule — The setFillRule purpose
- CairoContext::setFontFace — The setFontFace purpose
- CairoContext::setFontMatrix — The setFontMatrix purpose
- CairoContext::setFontOptions — The setFontOptions purpose
- CairoContext::setFontSize — The setFontSize purpose
- CairoContext::setLineCap — The setLineCap purpose
- CairoContext::setLineJoin — The setLineJoin purpose
- CairoContext::setLineWidth — The setLineWidth purpose
- CairoContext::setMatrix — The setMatrix purpose
- CairoContext::setMiterLimit — The setMiterLimit purpose
- CairoContext::setOperator — The setOperator purpose
- CairoContext::setScaledFont — The setScaledFont purpose
- CairoContext::setSource — The setSource purpose
- CairoContext::setSourceRGB — The setSourceRGB purpose
- CairoContext::setSourceRGBA — The setSourceRGBA purpose
- CairoContext::setSourceSurface — The setSourceSurface purpose
- CairoContext::setTolerance — The setTolerance purpose
- CairoContext::showPage — The showPage purpose
- CairoContext::showText — The showText purpose
- CairoContext::status — The status purpose
- CairoContext::stroke — The stroke purpose
- CairoContext::strokeExtents — The strokeExtents purpose
- CairoContext::strokePreserve — The strokePreserve purpose
- CairoContext::textExtents — The textExtents purpose
- CairoContext::textPath — The textPath purpose
- CairoContext::transform — The transform purpose
- CairoContext::translate — The translate purpose
- CairoContext::userToDevice — The userToDevice purpose
- CairoContext::userToDeviceDistance — The userToDeviceDistance purpose
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Dokument erstellt 30/01/2003, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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