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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL The processlist and x$processlist Views

These views summarize processlist information. They provide more complete information than the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement and the INFORMATION_SCHEMA PROCESSLIST table, and are also nonblocking. By default, rows are sorted by descending process time and descending wait time.

The column descriptions here are brief. For additional information, see the description of the Performance Schema threads table at Section, “The threads Table”.

The processlist and x$processlist views have these columns:

  • thd_id

    The thread ID.

  • conn_id

    The connection ID.

  • user

    The thread user or thread name.

  • db

    The default database for the thread, or NULL if there is none.

  • command

    For foreground threads, the type of command the thread is executing on behalf of the client, or Sleep if the session is idle.

  • state

    An action, event, or state that indicates what the thread is doing.

  • time

    The time in seconds that the thread has been in its current state.

  • current_statement

    The statement the thread is executing, or NULL if it is not executing any statement.

  • statement_latency

    How long the statement has been executing.

  • progress

    The percentage of work completed for stages that support progress reporting. See Section 27.3, “sys Schema Progress Reporting”.

  • lock_latency

    The time spent waiting for locks by the current statement.

  • rows_examined

    The number of rows read from storage engines by the current statement.

  • rows_sent

    The number of rows returned by the current statement.

  • rows_affected

    The number of rows affected by the current statement.

  • tmp_tables

    The number of internal in-memory temporary tables created by the current statement.

  • tmp_disk_tables

    The number of internal on-disk temporary tables created by the current statement.

  • full_scan

    The number of full table scans performed by the current statement.

  • last_statement

    The last statement executed by the thread, if there is no currently executing statement or wait.

  • last_statement_latency

    How long the last statement executed.

  • current_memory

    The number of bytes allocated by the thread.

  • last_wait

    The name of the most recent wait event for the thread.

  • last_wait_latency

    The wait time of the most recent wait event for the thread.

  • source

    The source file and line number containing the instrumented code that produced the event.

  • trx_latency

    The wait time of the current transaction for the thread.

  • trx_state

    The state for the current transaction for the thread.

  • trx_autocommit

    Whether autocommit mode was enabled when the current transaction started.

  • pid

    The client process ID.

  • program_name

    The client program name.

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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