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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL Installing an NDB Cluster Binary Release on Linux

This section covers the steps necessary to install the correct executables for each type of Cluster node from precompiled binaries supplied by Oracle.

For setting up a cluster using precompiled binaries, the first step in the installation process for each cluster host is to download the binary archive from the NDB Cluster downloads page. (For the most recent 64-bit NDB 8.0 release, this is mysql-cluster-gpl-8.0.19-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz.) We assume that you have placed this file in each machine's /var/tmp directory.

If you require a custom binary, see Section 2.9.5, “Installing MySQL Using a Development Source Tree”.


After completing the installation, do not yet start any of the binaries. We show you how to do so following the configuration of the nodes (see Section 22.2.4, “Initial Configuration of NDB Cluster”).

SQL nodes.  On each of the machines designated to host SQL nodes, perform the following steps as the system root user:

  1. Check your /etc/passwd and /etc/group files (or use whatever tools are provided by your operating system for managing users and groups) to see whether there is already a mysql group and mysql user on the system. Some OS distributions create these as part of the operating system installation process. If they are not already present, create a new mysql user group, and then add a mysql user to this group:

    shell> groupadd mysql
    shell> useradd -g mysql -s /bin/false mysql

    The syntax for useradd and groupadd may differ slightly on different versions of Unix, or they may have different names such as adduser and addgroup.

  2. Change location to the directory containing the downloaded file, unpack the archive, and create a symbolic link named mysql to the mysql directory.


    The actual file and directory names vary according to the NDB Cluster version number.

    shell> cd /var/tmp
    shell> tar -C /usr/local -xzvf mysql-cluster-gpl-8.0.19-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz
    shell> ln -s /usr/local/mysql-cluster-gpl-8.0.19-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64 /usr/local/mysql
  3. Change location to the mysql directory and set up the system databases using mysqld --initialize as shown here:

    shell> cd mysql
    shell> mysqld --initialize

    This generates a random password for the MySQL root account. If you do not want the random password to be generated, you can substitute the --initialize-insecure option for --initialize. In either case, you should review Section 2.10.1, “Initializing the Data Directory”, for additional information before performing this step. See also Section 4.4.2, “mysql_secure_installation — Improve MySQL Installation Security”.

  4. Set the necessary permissions for the MySQL server and data directories:

    shell> chown -R root .
    shell> chown -R mysql data
    shell> chgrp -R mysql .
  5. Copy the MySQL startup script to the appropriate directory, make it executable, and set it to start when the operating system is booted up:

    shell> cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/rc.d/init.d/
    shell> chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql.server
    shell> chkconfig --add mysql.server

    (The startup scripts directory may vary depending on your operating system and version—for example, in some Linux distributions, it is /etc/init.d.)

    Here we use Red Hat's chkconfig for creating links to the startup scripts; use whatever means is appropriate for this purpose on your platform, such as update-rc.d on Debian.

Remember that the preceding steps must be repeated on each machine where an SQL node is to reside.

Data nodes.  Installation of the data nodes does not require the mysqld binary. Only the NDB Cluster data node executable ndbd (single-threaded) or ndbmtd (multithreaded) is required. These binaries can also be found in the .tar.gz archive. Again, we assume that you have placed this archive in /var/tmp.

As system root (that is, after using sudo, su root, or your system's equivalent for temporarily assuming the system administrator account's privileges), perform the following steps to install the data node binaries on the data node hosts:

  1. Change location to the /var/tmp directory, and extract the ndbd and ndbmtd binaries from the archive into a suitable directory such as /usr/local/bin:

    shell> cd /var/tmp
    shell> tar -zxvf mysql-cluster-gpl-8.0.19-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz
    shell> cd mysql-cluster-gpl-8.0.19-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64
    shell> cp bin/ndbd /usr/local/bin/ndbd
    shell> cp bin/ndbmtd /usr/local/bin/ndbmtd

    (You can safely delete the directory created by unpacking the downloaded archive, and the files it contains, from /var/tmp once ndb_mgm and ndb_mgmd have been copied to the executables directory.)

  2. Change location to the directory into which you copied the files, and then make both of them executable:

    shell> cd /usr/local/bin
    shell> chmod +x ndb*

The preceding steps should be repeated on each data node host.

Although only one of the data node executables is required to run an NDB Cluster data node, we have shown you how to install both ndbd and ndbmtd in the preceding instructions. We recommend that you do this when installing or upgrading NDB Cluster, even if you plan to use only one of them, since this will save time and trouble in the event that you later decide to change from one to the other.


The data directory on each machine hosting a data node is /usr/local/mysql/data. This piece of information is essential when configuring the management node. (See Section 22.2.4, “Initial Configuration of NDB Cluster”.)

Management nodes.  Installation of the management node does not require the mysqld binary. Only the NDB Cluster management server (ndb_mgmd) is required; you most likely want to install the management client (ndb_mgm) as well. Both of these binaries also be found in the .tar.gz archive. Again, we assume that you have placed this archive in /var/tmp.

As system root, perform the following steps to install ndb_mgmd and ndb_mgm on the management node host:

  1. Change location to the /var/tmp directory, and extract the ndb_mgm and ndb_mgmd from the archive into a suitable directory such as /usr/local/bin:

    shell> cd /var/tmp
    shell> tar -zxvf mysql-cluster-gpl-8.0.19-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz
    shell> cd mysql-cluster-gpl-8.0.19-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64
    shell> cp bin/ndb_mgm* /usr/local/bin

    (You can safely delete the directory created by unpacking the downloaded archive, and the files it contains, from /var/tmp once ndb_mgm and ndb_mgmd have been copied to the executables directory.)

  2. Change location to the directory into which you copied the files, and then make both of them executable:

    shell> cd /usr/local/bin
    shell> chmod +x ndb_mgm*

In Section 22.2.4, “Initial Configuration of NDB Cluster”, we create configuration files for all of the nodes in our example NDB Cluster.

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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