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The INNODB_TABLESPACES table provides metadata about InnoDB file-per-table, general, and undo tablespaces.

For related usage information and examples, see Section 15.14.3, “InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA Schema Object Tables”.


The INFORMATION_SCHEMA FILES table reports metadata for InnoDB tablespace types including file-per-table tablespaces, general tablespaces, the system tablespace, the global temporary tablespace, and undo tablespaces.

The INNODB_TABLESPACES table has these columns:


    The tablespace ID.

  • NAME

    The schema (database) and table name.

  • FLAG

    A numeric value that represents bit-level information about tablespace format and storage characteristics.


    The tablespace row format (Compact or Redundant, Dynamic or Compressed, or Undo). The data in this column is interpreted from the tablespace flag information that resides in the data file.

    There is no way to determine from this flag information if the tablespace row format is Redundant or Compact, which is why one of the possible ROW_FORMAT values is Compact or Redundant.


    The tablespace page size. The data in this column is interpreted from the tablespace flags information that resides in the .ibd file.


    The tablespace zip page size. The data in this column is interpreted from the tablespace flags information that resides in the .ibd file.


    The type of tablespace. Possible values include General for general tablespaces, Single for file-per-table tablespaces, System for the system tablespace, and Undo for undo tablespaces.


    The file system block size, which is the unit size used for hole punching. This column pertains to the InnoDB transparent page compression feature.


    The apparent size of the file, which represents the maximum size of the file, uncompressed. This column pertains to the InnoDB transparent page compression feature.


    The actual size of the file, which is the amount of space allocated on disk. This column pertains to the InnoDB transparent page compression feature.


    The MySQL version that created the tablespace, or the MySQL version into which the tablespace was imported, or the version of the last major MySQL version upgrade. The value is unchanged by a release series upgrade, such as an upgrade from MySQL 8.0.x to 8.0.y. The value can be considered a creation marker or certified marker for the tablespace.


    The tablespace version, used to track changes to the tablespace format.


    Whether the tablespace is encrypted. This column was added in MySQL 8.0.13.


    The tablespace state. This column was added in MySQL 8.0.14.

    For file-per-table and general tablespaces, states include:

    • normal: The tablespace is normal and active.

    • discarded: The tablespace was discarded by an ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE statement.

    • corrupted: The tablespace is identified by InnoDB as corrupted.

    For undo tablespaces, states include:

    • active: Rollback segments in the undo tablespace can be allocated to new transactions.

    • inactive: Rollback segments in the undo tablespace are no longer used by new transactions. The truncate process is in progress. The undo tablespace was either selected by the purge thread implicitly or was made inactive by an ALTER UNDO TABLESPACE ... SET INACTIVE statement.

    • empty: The undo tablespace was truncated and is no longer active. It is ready to be dropped or made active again by an ALTER UNDO TABLESPACE ... SET INACTIVE statement.


  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3.          SPACE: 26
  4.           NAME: test/t1
  5.           FLAG: 0
  6.     ROW_FORMAT: Compact or Redundant
  7.      PAGE_SIZE: 16384
  8.  ZIP_PAGE_SIZE: 0
  9.     SPACE_TYPE: Single
  10.  FS_BLOCK_SIZE: 4096
  11.      FILE_SIZE: 98304
  12. ALLOCATED_SIZE: 65536
  13. SERVER_VERSION: 8.0.4
  15.     ENCRYPTION: N
  16.          STATE: normal

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  • You must have the PROCESS privilege to query this table.

  • Use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA COLUMNS table or the SHOW COLUMNS statement to view additional information about the columns of this table, including data types and default values.

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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