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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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These functions are affected: CONVERT_TZ(), DATE_ADD(), DATE_SUB(), DAYOFYEAR(), LAST_DAY() (permits a day part of zero), TIMESTAMPDIFF(), TO_DAYS(), TO_SECONDS(), WEEK(), WEEKDAY(), WEEKOFYEAR(), YEARWEEK(). For the %U, %u, %V, and %v specifiers, ... This section describes the functions that can be used to manipulate temporal ...
To create an event which occurs at some point in the future relative to the current date and time—such as that expressed by the phrase “three weeks from now”—you can use the optional clause + INTERVAL interval. For example, AT ... CREATE ...
WEEK() Return the week number WEEKDAY() Return the weekday index WEEKOFYEAR() Return the calendar week of the date (1-53) WEIGHT_STRING() Return the weight string for a string XOR Logical XOR YEAR() Return the year YEARWEEK() Return the year and ...
The value returned by the EXTRACT() function, when used as EXTRACT(WEEK FROM col), depends on the value of the default_week_format system variable. For this reason, EXTRACT() is not permitted as a partitioning function when it specifies the unit as ... This section discusses limitations in MySQL Partitioning relating specifically to functions used in partitioning ...
unit represents the unit for interpreting the quantity; it is a specifier such as HOUR, DAY, or WEEK. This section lists the grammar rules that expressions must follow in MySQL and provides additional information about the types of terms that may ...
For example, you can run a cron job to check important tables once a week, using a line like this in a crontab file: 35 0 * * 0 /path/to/myisamchk --fast --silent /path/to/datadir/*/*.MYI This prints out information about crashed tables so that you ... It is a good idea to perform table checks on a regular basis rather than waiting for problems to ...
default_week_format Property Value Command-Line Format --default-week-format=# System Variable default_week_format Scope Global, Session Dynamic Yes SET_VAR Hint Applies No Type Integer Default Value 0 Minimum Value 0 Maximum Value 7 The default ...
mysql sends each SQL statement that you issue to the server to be executed. There is also a set of commands that mysql itself interprets. For a list of these commands, type help or \h at the mysql> prompt: mysql> help List of all MySQL commands: ...
Depending on the size of the value, the units part is ps (nanoseconds), ns (nanoseconds), us (microseconds), ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), or w (weeks). Note As of MySQL 8.0.16, format_time() is deprecated and ...
This is a variant of LIST partitioning that enables the use of multiple columns as partition keys, and for columns of data types other than integer types to be used as partitioning columns; you can use string types, DATE, and DATETIME columns. In ...
Displaying 1 to 10 of 16 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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