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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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For example, the following query will perform better with an index: mysql-js> db.countryinfo.find("demographics.Population < 100") ...[output removed] 8 documents in set (0.00 sec) The create_index() method creates an index that you can define as ...
--repair, -r Perform a repair that can fix almost anything except unique keys that are not unique. The mysqlcheck client performs table maintenance: It checks, repairs, optimizes, or analyzes tables. Each table is locked and therefore unavailable ...
--replace, -r The --replace and --ignore options control handling of input rows that duplicate existing rows on unique key values. If you specify --replace, new rows replace existing rows that have the same unique key value. If you specify --ignore, ... The mysqlimport client provides a command-line interface to the LOAD DATA SQL ...
If you have UNIQUE constraints on secondary keys, you can speed up table imports by temporarily turning off the uniqueness checks during the import session: SET unique_checks=0; ... SET unique_checks=1; For big tables, this saves a lot of disk I/O ... These performance tips supplement the general guidelines for fast inserts in Section, “Optimizing INSERT ...
Partitioning by key is similar to partitioning by hash, except that where hash partitioning employs a user-defined expression, the hashing function for key partitioning is supplied by the MySQL server. NDB Cluster uses MD5() for this purpose; for ...
All columns used in the table's partitioning expression must be part of every unique key that the table may have, including any primary key. Possible workarounds in this situation include adding the name column to the table's primary key, adding the ... This section provides a conceptual overview of partitioning in MySQL ...
Structured variable instances and components follow these naming rules: For a given type of structured variable, each instance must have a name that is unique within variables of that type. However, instance names need not be unique across ... A ...
mysqlx_document_id_unique_prefix Property Value Command-Line Format --mysqlx-document-id-unique-prefix=# System Variable mysqlx_document_id_unique_prefix Scope Global Dynamic Yes SET_VAR Hint Applies No Type Integer Default Value 0 Minimum Value 0 ... To control activation of X Plugin, use this option: --mysqlx[=value] Property Value Command-Line Format --mysqlx[=value] Introduced 8.0.11 Type Enumeration Default Value ON Valid Values ONOFFFORCEFORCE_PLUS_PERMANENT This option controls how the server loads X Plugin at ...
| ADD [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] UNIQUE [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] [index_type] (key_part,...) [index_option] ... If you add a UNIQUE INDEX or PRIMARY KEY to a table, MySQL stores it before any nonunique index to permit detection of duplicate keys as early ... ALTER TABLE tbl_name [alter_specification [, alter_specification] ...] [partition_options] alter_specification: table_options | ADD [COLUMN] col_name column_definition [FIRST | AFTER col_name] | ADD [COLUMN] (col_name column_definition,...) | ADD {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] [index_type] (key_part,...) [index_option] ...
Consider the following set of archived encrypted log file names: audit.20190410T205827.log.20190403T185337-1.enc audit.20190410T210243.log.20190403T185337-1.enc audit.20190415T145309.log.20190414T223342-1.enc ... This section describes how to ...
Displaying 51 to 60 of 294 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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