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InnoDB assigns new values for the AUTO_INCREMENT column one at a time as each row is processed. Tx2: INSERT INTO t1 (c2) VALUES ('xxx'); InnoDB cannot tell in advance how many rows are retrieved from the SELECT in the INSERT statement in Tx1, and it ... InnoDB provides a configurable locking mechanism that can significantly improve scalability and performance of SQL statements that add rows to tables with AUTO_INCREMENT ...
Topics include: Point-in-Time Recovery Recovery from Data Corruption or Disk Failure InnoDB Crash Recovery Tablespace Discovery During Crash Recovery To recover an InnoDB database to the present from the time at which the physical backup was made, ...If your database becomes corrupted or disk failure occurs, you must perform the recovery using a ...
With color support enabled, the graph display shows OS user time in blue, OS system time in green, and idle time as blank. For measured load, blue is used for execution time, yellow for send time, red for time spent in send buffer full waits, and ...
The MySQL slow query log contains information about queries that take a long time to execute (see Section 5.4.5, “The Slow Query Log”). mysqldumpslow parses MySQL slow query log files and summarizes their contents. Normally, mysqldumpslow ...
The ENABLED column indicates whether matching objects are monitored, and TIMED indicates whether to collect timing information. Setting the TIMED column affects Performance Schema table contents as described in Section 26.4.1, “Performance Schema ... The setup_objects table controls whether the Performance Schema monitors particular table and stored program ...
The slow query log consists of SQL statements that take more than long_query_time seconds to execute and require at least min_examined_row_limit rows to be examined. The slow query log can be used to find queries that take a long time to execute ...
These views summarize global I/O consumers to display amount of I/O and time waiting for I/O, grouped by event. total_latency The total wait time of timed occurrences of the I/O event. avg_latency The average wait time per timed occurrence of the ...The io_global_by_wait_by_latency and x$io_global_by_wait_by_latency views have these columns: event_name The I/O event name, with the wait/io/file/ prefix ...
--connect-delay=# Property Value Command-Line Format --connect-delay=# Deprecated Yes Type Numeric Default Value 5 Minimum Value 0 Maximum Value 3600 Determines the time to wait between attempts to contact a management server when starting (the ...
The number of Performance Schema tables increases over time as implementation of additional instrumentation proceeds. row *************************** THREAD_ID: 0 EVENT_ID: 5523 END_EVENT_ID: 5523 EVENT_NAME: wait/synch/mutex/mysys/THR_LOCK::mutex ... This section briefly introduces the Performance Schema with examples that show how to use ...
To specify more than one database, use this option multiple times, once for each database; however, doing so does not cause cross-database statements such as UPDATE some_db.some_table SET foo='bar' to be logged while a different database (or no ...
Displaying 51 to 60 of 848 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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