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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 31 to 40 of 848 total results
--master-retry-count=count Property Value Command-Line Format --master-retry-count=# Deprecated Yes Type Integer Default Value 86400 Minimum Value 0 Maximum Value (64-bit platforms) 18446744073709551615 Maximum Value (32-bit platforms) 4294967295 ...
If you specify a number of tries, when the member's expulsion or unreachable majority timeout is reached, it makes an attempt to rejoin (using the current plugin option values), then continues to make further auto-rejoin attempts up to the specified ... This section lists the system variables that are specific to the Group Replication ...
CREATE [DEFINER = user] EVENT [IF NOT EXISTS] event_name ON SCHEDULE schedule [ON COMPLETION [NOT] PRESERVE] [ENABLE | DISABLE | DISABLE ON SLAVE] [COMMENT 'string'] DO event_body; schedule: AT timestamp [+ INTERVAL interval] ... This is an example ...The event will not run unless the Event Scheduler is ...
The UUID value is assumed not to have its time-low and time-high parts swapped. If swap_flag is 1, the UUID value is assumed to have its time-low and time-high parts swapped. For usage examples and information about time-part swapping, see the ...
With large data sizes, even if the backup step takes a reasonable time, restoring the data can be very slow because replaying the SQL statements involves disk I/O for insertion, index creation, and so on. --dump-date If the --comments option is ...
MySQL recognizes DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP values in several formats, described in Section 9.1.3, “Date and Time Literals”. For the DATE and DATETIME range descriptions, “supported” means that although earlier values might work, there is ...This section describes their characteristics, how they are similar, and how they ...
GTID_SUBTRACT() Return all GTIDs in set that are not in subset. JSON_CONTAINS() Whether JSON document contains specific object at path JSON_CONTAINS_PATH() Whether JSON document contains any data at path JSON_DEPTH() Maximum depth of JSON document ...
Each entry in the table corresponds to a node restart status report in real time from a data node with the given node ID. Only the most recent report for any given node is shown. The following table provides information about the columns in the ...
Com_show_ndb_status: Count of SHOW NDB STATUS statements Handler_discover: Number of times that tables have been discovered ndb-batch-size: Size (in bytes) to use for NDB transaction batches ndb-blob-read-batch-bytes: Specifies size in bytes that ...
row *************************** NAME: wait/synch/mutex/pfs/LOCK_pfs_share_list ENABLED: NO TIMED: NO PROPERTIES: singleton VOLATILITY: 1 DOCUMENTATION: Components can provide their own performance_schema tables. row *************************** NAME: ... The setup_instruments table lists classes of instrumented objects for which events can be collected: mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments\G ...
Displaying 31 to 40 of 848 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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