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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 41 to 50 of 306 total results
This manual uses certain typographical conventions: Text in this style is used for SQL statements; database, table, and column names; program listings and source code; and environment variables. Example: “To reload the grant tables, use the FLUSH ...Example: “The --host option (short form -h) tells the mysql client program the hostname or IP address of the MySQL server that it should connect ...
The keyword STACKED means to retrieve information from the second diagnostics area, which is available only if the current context is a condition handler. It is a MySQL extension that GET [CURRENT] DIAGNOSTICS is permitted outside handler context to ... GET [CURRENT | STACKED] DIAGNOSTICS { statement_information_item [, statement_information_item] ...
For information about running OPTIMIZE TABLE on tables with FULLTEXT indexes, see Section 12.9.6, “Fine-Tuning MySQL Full-Text Search”. INNODB_FT_DELETED: Stores rows that are deleted from the FULLTEXT index for an InnoDB table.
--fields-optionally-enclosed-by Property Value Command-Line Format --fields-optionally-enclosed-by Type String Default Value The string passed to this option is used to enclose column values containing character data (such as CHAR, VARCHAR, BINARY, ... The NDB Cluster restoration program is implemented as a separate command-line utility ndb_restore, which can normally be found in the MySQL bin ...
To display their contents in text format, use the mysqlbinlog utility. --raw By default, mysqlbinlog reads binary log files and writes events in text format. --result-file=name, -r name Without the --raw option, this option indicates the file to ...
Passwords can be written as plain text in SQL statements such as CREATE USER, GRANT and SET PASSWORD. Statement logging avoids writing passwords as cleartext for the following statements: CREATE USER ... PASSWORD ...) Passwords in those statements ...If such statements are logged by the MySQL server as written, passwords in them become visible to anyone with access to the ...
Making Delimited-Text File Backups To create a text file containing a table's data, you can use SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'file_name' FROM tbl_name. Another way to create text data files (along with files containing CREATE TABLE statements for the ...
This section provides guidelines for compiling C programs that use the MySQL C API. A different compiler might be appropriate on some systems (for example, clang on OS X or FreeBSD, or Sun Studio on Solaris). You may need to specify an -I option ...
In terms of table structure, these are the primary potential incompatibilities: For the variable-length character data types (VARCHAR and the TEXT types), the maximum permitted length in characters is less for utf8mb4 columns than for utf8mb3 ...
This will avoid potential problems with trailing space removal or character set conversion that would change data values, such as may occur if you use a nonbinary string data type (CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT). Some encryption functions return strings of ...
Displaying 41 to 50 of 306 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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