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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Table 12.11 Arithmetic Operators Name Description DIV Integer division / Division operator - Minus operator %, MOD Modulo operator + Addition operator * Multiplication operator - Change the sign of the argument The usual arithmetic operators are ...
Number literals include exact-value (integer and DECIMAL) literals and approximate-value (floating-point) literals. Numbers may be preceded by - or + to indicate a negative or positive value, respectively. Numbers represented in scientific notation ...
One deviation from the standard INI format is that the parameter name and value can be separated by a colon (:) as well as the equal sign (=); however, the equal sign is preferred. To support NDB Cluster, you will need to update my.cnf as shown in ...
By default, the collation sorts characters having a code point listed in the DUCET table (Default Unicode Collation Element Table) according to the weight value assigned in the table. NOTE 11: The Unicode scalar value of a character is its code ...
SELECT CAST(c2 as unsigned integer) FROM demo_test; # Since there could be numeric values of 0, can't disqualify them. SELECT AVG(cast(c2 as unsigned integer)) FROM demo_test WHERE c2 BETWEEN '0' and '9999999999'; # Views let you hide the complexity ... Consider these aspects of memcached applications when adapting an existing MySQL schema or application to use the daemon_memcached plugin: memcached keys cannot contain spaces or newlines, because these characters are used as separators in the ASCII ...
For a long option that takes a value, separate the option name and the value by an = sign. Program options specified on the command line follow these rules: Options are given after the command name. An option argument begins with one dash or two ...
Note Host name identity verification with SSL_MODE_VERIFY_IDENTITY does not work with self-signed certificates created automatically by the server, or manually using mysql_ssl_rsa_setup (see Section, “Creating SSL and RSA Certificates and ... This section describes how C applications use the C API capabilities for encrypted ...
Consider the table created by the following statement: CREATE TABLE t (c TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL); The WHERE condition in the query SELECT * FROM t WHERE c < 256 contains the integral constant 256 which is out of range for a TINYINT UNSIGNED ...
-- Digest type; can be 'SHA256', 'SHA384', or 'SHA512' instead SET @dig_type = 'SHA224'; -- Generate digest string SET @dig = CREATE_DIGEST(@dig_type, 'My text to digest'); The key pair can be used to sign data, then verify that the signature ... To ...
MySQL supports the SQL standard integer types INTEGER (or INT) and SMALLINT. As an extension to the standard, MySQL also supports the integer types TINYINT, MEDIUMINT, and BIGINT. The following table shows the required storage and range for each ...
Displaying 21 to 30 of 72 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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