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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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At this point, the group has one member in it, server s1, which has some data in it. At this point server s2 only needs to be added to the already existing group. Once this process completed, s2 could join the group as a member, and at this point ...It is now time to expand the group by adding the other two servers configured ...
The most typical operations are: Point queries that search for all objects that contain a given point Region queries that search for all objects that overlap a given region MySQL uses R-Trees with quadratic splitting for SPATIAL indexes on spatial ... For MyISAM and InnoDB tables, search operations in columns containing spatial data can be optimized using SPATIAL ...
Approximate-value data types and numeric literals are handled as floating-point numbers. For example, 2.34 is an exact-value (fixed-point) number, whereas 2.34E0 is an approximate-value (floating-point) number. The DECIMAL data type is a fixed-point ... The scope of precision math for exact-value operations includes the exact-value data types (integer and DECIMAL types) and exact-value numeric ...
Do the preceding limitations affect the ability of MySQL to do point-in-time recovery? A.4.28. If replication or binary logging in general (for the purpose of point-in-time recovery) is active, then MySQL DBAs have two security options open to them: ...Where can I find documentation for MySQL stored procedures and stored functions? ...
For geometry values, MySQL distinguishes between the concepts of syntactically well-formed and geometrically valid. Spatial import functions that parse WKT or WKB values raise an error for attempts to create a geometry that is not syntactically ...
This function processes geometry collections by computing the centroid point for components of highest dimension in the collection. Such components are extracted and made into a single MultiPolygon, MultiLineString, or MultiPoint for centroid ...
When Group Replication's distributed recovery process is carrying out state transfer from the binary log, to synchronize the joining member with the donor up to a specific point in time, the joining member and donor make use of GTIDs (see Section ...However, GTIDs only provide a means to realize which transactions the joining member is ...
In conjunction with the MySQL binary log, you can perform point-in-time recovery. InnoDB data and log files are binary-compatible on all platforms having the same floating-point number format. If the floating-point formats differ but you have not ...
innodb_checkpoint_disabled Property Value Command-Line Format --innodb-checkpoint-disabled[={OFF|ON}] Introduced 8.0.2 System Variable innodb_checkpoint_disabled Scope Global Dynamic Yes SET_VAR Hint Applies No Type Boolean Default Value OFF This is ... System variables that are true or false can be enabled at server startup by naming them, or disabled by using a --skip- ...
Topics include: Point-in-Time Recovery Recovery from Data Corruption or Disk Failure InnoDB Crash Recovery Tablespace Discovery During Crash Recovery To recover an InnoDB database to the present from the time at which the physical backup was made, ...If your database becomes corrupted or disk failure occurs, you must perform the recovery using a ...
Displaying 51 to 60 of 336 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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