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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 71 to 80 of 304 total results
There are two key points to keep in mind: For a table to be replicated in the cluster, it must use the NDBCLUSTER storage engine. One of these is to modify the table definition before importing it into the Cluster database. Then modify the table ...
unsigned int mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *result) To pass a MYSQL* argument instead, use unsigned int mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql). You can get the number of columns either from a pointer to a result set or to a connection handler. You would use ...In this case, you can call mysql_field_count() to determine whether mysql_store_result() should have produced a nonempty ...
int mysql_stmt_execute(MYSQL_STMT *stmt) mysql_stmt_execute() executes the prepared query associated with the statement handler. Those functions are not intended for processing results from prepared statements. The currently bound parameter marker ...
int mysql_stmt_fetch(MYSQL_STMT *stmt) mysql_stmt_fetch() returns the next row in the result set. It returns the data in those buffers for all the columns in the current row set and the lengths are returned to the length pointer. Invoke ...It can ...
MySQL supports an extension for optionally specifying the display width of integer data types in parentheses following the base keyword for the type. For example, INT(4) specifies an INT with a display width of four digits. This optional display ...
Here is a sample histogram object: { "buckets": [ [ 1, 0.3333333333333333 ], [ 2, 0.6666666666666666 ], [ 3, 1 ] ], "null-values": 0, "last-updated": "2017-03-24 13:32:40.000000", "sampling-rate": 1, "histogram-type": "singleton", ... The ...
MySQL also supports linear hashing, which differs from regular hashing in that linear hashing utilizes a linear powers-of-two algorithm whereas regular hashing employs the modulus of the hashing function's value. We call this value V; it can be ...
Consider the following CREATE TABLE statement: CREATE TABLE ts (id INT, purchased DATE) PARTITION BY RANGE( YEAR(purchased) ) SUBPARTITION BY HASH( TO_DAYS(purchased) ) SUBPARTITIONS 2 ( PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (1990), PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS ... Subpartitioning—also known as composite partitioning—is the further division of each partition in a partitioned ...
If a table has triggers, attempts to rename the table into a different database fail with a Trigger in wrong schema (ER_TRG_IN_WRONG_SCHEMA) error. RENAME TABLE works for views, except that views cannot be renamed into a different database. RENAME ... RENAME TABLE tbl_name TO new_tbl_name [, tbl_name2 TO new_tbl_name2] ...
Example: CREATE PROCEDURE p (divisor INT) BEGIN DECLARE divide_by_zero CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE '22012'; IF divisor = 0 THEN SIGNAL divide_by_zero; END IF; END; If the named condition does not exist in the scope of the SIGNAL statement, an Undefined ...SIGNAL provides error information to a handler, to an outer portion of the application, or to the ...
Displaying 71 to 80 of 304 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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